
来源 :长春理工大学学报(高教版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shall202
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美国高校培养高水平运动员具有悠久的历史,取得了令世人瞩目的成就。而随着市场经济的逐步深入,我国高等教育办学条件的逐步改善,竞技体育职业化进程的加快和人们对体育观念更新的共同促动,高校办运动队必将逐步显示出强大的生命力和良好的发展潜势。笔者通过对中美两国运动竞赛管理体制和运行机制的分析和比较,借鉴美国运动竞赛的成功模式,研究美国体育竞赛管理体制对我国体育运动竞赛的管理启示。 American colleges and universities have a long history of training high-level athletes and made remarkable achievements. With the gradual deepening of the market economy, gradual improvement of the conditions for running higher education in our country, the acceleration of the process of professional sports competition and the common promotion of the renewal of sports concepts, the sports teams run by colleges and universities will gradually demonstrate their strong vitality and good performance The development potential. Through the analysis and comparison of the management system and operation mechanism of the sports competition between China and the United States, the author draws lessons from the successful mode of the American sports competition to study the management enlightenment of the management system of the American sports competition to our country’s sports competition.
The pulse duration is an important parameter in the experiments between laser and materials. A single shot autocorrelation is set up successfully for measuring
被西方人视作教堂的剧场,它在中国的大门仍没有对普通大众敞开。  7月是戏剧演出频繁的时候,如火的夏日把人心搅得浮躁起来。  7月13日,北京,由众多歌星捧场的“7·13纪念申奥成功演唱会”和话剧《最后一个情圣》分别在工人体育场和保利剧院同时上演。去往两处的人们在中街分流,听演唱会和看话剧,这是两拨人,后者总在少数高昂的票价把观众阻挡在门外。  如今,走进剧场时让人有些害怕,不管是有政府参与的以推广
Gallium nitride(GaN)is one of the most promising III-V semiconductors for applications in photonics and electronics,because of its wide direct band gap,high sat
The direct photolysis of N-nitrosodiethylamine(NDEA) in water with ultraviolet(UV) irradiation was investigated.Results showed that NDEA could be completely deg