
来源 :光散射学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyiai1015
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Since the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, many investigations on the seismic damper have been made. On the other hand, it also theoretically projected that ultra fine grained Zn-Al alloys could show superplasticity at low temperatures [1-4]. Authors tried to make a massive ultra fine grained Zn-22 mass % Al alloy by means of TMCP (thermo-mechanical controlling process). The superplastic Zn-Al alloy is not susceptible to strain deterioration because it has a low work-hardening rate and, thus, does not accumulate strain significantly when deformed plastically. On the other hand, since its work hardening rate is low, plastic deformation proceeds locally, required plastic energy can’t be sufficiently obtained and local fracture and local deformation instability can take place easily. The structural designer must overcome the strain localization resulting from the low work-hardening rate. Several types of seismic dampers were successfully developed with overcoming the local deformation instability. Three types of seismic dampers were finally developed. Since the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, many investigations on the seismic damper have been made. On the other hand, it also theoretically projected that ultra fine grained Zn-Al alloys could show superplasticity at low temperatures [1-4]. Authors tried to make a massive ultra fine grained Zn-22 mass% Al alloy by means of TMCP (thermo-mechanical controlling process). The superplastic Zn-Al alloy is not susceptible to strain deterioration because it has a low work-hardening rate and, thus, does not accumulate strain significantly when deformed plastically. On the other hand, since its work hardening rate is low, plastic deformation proceeds locally, required plastic energy can not be radially acquired; designer must overcome the strain localization resulting from the low work-hardening rate. Several types of seismic dampers were successfully developed with overcoming the local deformation in stability. Three types of seismic dampers were finally developed.
This study aimed to evaluate the surface roughness and wetting properties of various dental prosthetic materials after different durations of non-thermal atmosp
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2010年1月23日,江苏省城市规划协会、学会城市交通专业委员会2010年年度工作会议在江苏省城市交通规划研究中心召开。 January 23, 2010, Jiangsu Province Urban Planning
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本文在试图探讨班主任如何运用学生班干部“139”组织机构管理模式管理班级方面作了一些有益的尝试。 This article has made some useful attempts to explore how the cla