Since 1991, Japan’s Kitano [1] took the lead in laparoscopic radical gastrectomy since the beginning of laparoscopic gastric cancer surgery indications gradually expanded from early gastric cancer to early advanced gastric cancer, lymphadenectasis by the gradual development of D1, D1 + To D2, Goh et al [2] in 1997 for the first time the laparoscopic D2 gastric cancer surgery for the treatment of advanced gastric cancer. In recent years, more and more studies have shown that laparoscopic assisted distal gastrectomy and D2 lymph node dissection are safe and feasible in the locally advanced distal gastric cancer, and the clinical oncology efficacy comparable to laparotomy [3- 7]. However, the clinical evaluation of laparoscopic application in locally advanced gastric cancer has rarely been reported. Whether laparoscopy can be applied to lymph node dissection in locally advanced gastric cancer remains controversial.