How Does Conflict Arise--A Case Analysis

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanglonghai105
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This paper gives a detailed description of a case of intercultural communication between Chinese and American people.The analysis elaborates possible reasons of the problem lying beyond lines.Differences in deep structure between cultures account for most of the confrontations and misunderstanding.In this analysis,by applying theories and principles concerning intercultural communication,the underlying rationale is elicited and for purpose of conflict avoidance and successful communication,it is suggested that handling both self-culture and the target culture as well as strengthening crosscultural communication are among effective approaches to fulfill successful dialogue between cultures. This paper gives a detailed description of a case of intercultural communication between Chinese and American people. The analysis elaborates possible reasons of the problem lying beyond lines. Differences in deep structure between cultures account for most of the confrontations and misunderstanding. This analysis, by applying theories and principles concerning intercultural communication, the underlying rationale is elicited and for purpose of conflict avoidance and successful communication, it is suggested that that both please-culture and the target culture as well as strengthening crosscultural communication are among effective approaches to fulfill successfully dialogue between cultures
【目的】探讨香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)凋落叶添加到土壤中对小白菜(Brassica chinensis)、莴笋(Lactuca sativa)、茄子(Solanum melongena)生长和抗性生理的影响以及土壤矿
1植物名称蓝麻黄(Ephedra glaoca)。2材料类别2000年11月下旬,从新疆托克逊县科委蓝麻黄人工种植实验地取蓝麻黄,连土移栽到大花盆中,放到温室中培养,以其新生幼枝条为外植体
This paper mainly explores the motivation of markedness is explored in three different types of antonyms:graduable antonyms,complementary antonyms and converse
何为学困生?我们一般把它定义为班里学习成绩暂时落后的学生,他们是 “两极分化”现象的产物。工作在一线的教师往往会有这样的体会:在初中阶段,英语学困生要比其他科目的学困生多得多。有相当一部分学生特别是男生理科成绩还不错,就是英语学习状况不容乐观,如果不及时寻找出一些行之有效的策略来改善,必将导致他们渐渐地对学习失去了兴趣。  一、学困生现象产生的原因  1.缺乏学习兴趣或兴趣保持不持久。在小学学习英
This study discusses the different attitudes to language between the different genders.There is a social cultures, family pressure and other reasons to cause the different marks or results of foreign
【摘要】随着信息技术的发展,初中英语教学迎来了机遇与挑战。信息技术在英语教学中起到了积极作用,激发学生兴趣,提高课堂效率,有效的提高了学生的英语能力。在对本校的学生学习状况调研发现信息技术在教学中还存在一些问题,作者进行分析之后,对初中英语教学与信息技术的资源整合提出了建设性的对策。  【关键词】初中英语 信息技术 资源整合  本研究中对“初中英语教学与信息技术整合”的概念界定为:初中英语教师可以
【摘要】小学阶段学生的学习成绩是相差不大的,而到了初中阶段,随着学习内容越来越多,加之学生自觉性的差异,成绩的差距也越来越大。尤其是初中英语教学中,有的学生可以获得满分,有的却不及格,长此以往,有碍教育公允。本文中,笔者对当前英语学习中两极分化的现象进行了分析,以“一帮一”的帮扶活动为研究对象,探讨了“一帮一”的作用,并就初中英语教学中“一帮一”帮扶活动的实施策略进行了探讨。  【关键词】初中英语
历年的中考都对写作能力进行考查,学生的得分率很低。初中学生在写作方面存在着许多薄弱点和难点。如何运用有效的教学策略来提高学生的英语写作水平已是教师应探索的问题。我根据多年从事初中英语教学的切身体会,总结出学生在写作中存在问题和提高学生写作能力的教学策略。  一、学生写作能力现状  1.学生对写作有畏惧感。很大部分学生对英语写作不感兴趣,一提到写作就害怕,也无从下手,不知道该写什么,怎么写,尽管绞尽