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朝鲜半岛位于亚洲东部,东北与俄罗斯相连,西北及北部与中国相接,东南隔朝鲜海峡与日本相望。西、南、东三面分别被黄海、朝鲜海峡、日本海环绕。陆地面积占半岛总面积的97%,山地和高原占半岛总面积的80%。历史上,在朝鲜半岛特殊的地理环境中存在着一类极富地域特征的墓葬形式——支石墓。通过对支石墓的研究,有助于增加我们对半岛地区文化面貌、社会形态以及人文环境等问题的了解。清川江及大同江流域位于朝鲜半岛北部,东南靠北大峰山脉,西濒黄海,北望江南山脉,南到平壤北部(图一),这一地区发现了一万四千多座支石墓,是考察朝鲜半岛支石墓的关键地区。本文拟对清川江及大同江流域发现的青铜时代(即公元前1500年到公元前300年,相当于中国商初至东周时期)支石墓资料进行简要梳理,对该地区青铜时代支石墓的形制、年代、演变提出自己的意见,并结合中国东北地区已有的研究成果,对半岛北部地区青铜时代的文化格局和文化交流等问题谈谈笔者的看法。 The Korean Peninsula is located in the eastern part of Asia, connected with Russia in the northeast, connects with China in the northwest and the north, and across the Korea Strait across the Japan from Japan. West, South, East, respectively, the three sides were the Yellow Sea, North Korea Strait, surrounded by the Sea of ​​Japan. Land area accounts for 97% of the total area of ​​the peninsula, mountains and highlands account for 80% of the total area of ​​the peninsula. Historically, in the special geographical environment of the Korean peninsula there is a very regional form of burial - dolmens. Through the study of dolmens, it helps to increase our understanding of the peninsula’s cultural outlook, social forms and human environment. Qingchuanjiang and Datong River basins are located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. The southeast is bordered by the North Dafeng Mountain Range, the Yellow Sea to the west, the South Mountain Range to the north, and the northern part of Pyongyang to the south (Figure 1). Over 14,000 pebbles were discovered in this area, It is a key area for examining the Korean Peninsula dolmen. This paper intends to briefly review the bronze age (from 1500 BC to 300 BC, equivalent to the early Shang and Eastern Zhou periods of China) bronze age found in the Qingchuan and Datong River basins, The author made his own opinions on the shape, age and evolution of the Peninsula. In the light of the existing research results in northeast China, he discussed the author’s views on the cultural patterns and cultural exchanges in the Bronze Age in the northern part of the Peninsula.
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
毛泽东好学不倦、精通历史,曾纠正历年对唐朝诗人贺知章著名诗篇《回乡偶书》(少小离家老大回/乡音无改鬓毛衰/儿童相见不相识/笑问客从何处来)的曲解。 起因是1957年3月24
全国政协委员,香港太平绅士罗桂祥,是香港豆品有限公司董事长,人称“豆奶业大王”,名列香港30名首富榜的罗桂祥,其创业十分坎坷。 罗桂祥出生于1910年,祖籍广东梅县三乡寨上