Eating disorders in adolescents with type 1 diabetes:Challenges in diagnosis and treatment

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangdod
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Eating disorders(ED) are characterized by a persistent disturbance of eating that impairs health or psychosocial functioning.They are associated with increased rates of medical complications and mortality.Insulin omission is a unique purging behavior available to individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus(T1DM).The standard treatment regimen for T1 DM requires a major focus on food andeating patterns.Moreover,intensive insulin therapy is associated with increasing body weight.These factors,combined with the psychological burden of chronic disease management and depression,may contribute to ED.The comorbidity of ED in T1 DM patients is associated with poorer glycemic control and consequently higher rates of diabetes complications.Early recognition and adequate treatment of ED in T1 DM is essential. Eating disorders (ED) are characterized by a persistent disturbance of eating that impairs health or psychosocial functioning. They are associated with increasing rates of medical complications and mortality. Insulin omission is a unique purging behavior available to individuals with diabetes mellitus (T1DM) The standard treatment regimen for T1 DM requires a major focus on food andeating patterns. Moreover, intensive insulin therapy is associated with increasing body weight. These factors, combined with the psychological burden of chronic disease management and depression, may contribute to ED. comorbidity of ED in T1 DM patients is associated with poorer glycemic control and resulting higher rates of diabetes complications. Early recognition and adequate treatment of ED in T1 DM is essential.
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