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一、广播连续报道的几种主要形式广播里采用的连续报道形式很多,归纳起来,主要有以下四种。一是分段式,就是在若干天时间里,定时分段报道某个人、某件事、某个单位的事迹或经验。二是延续式,就是在报道一个重要新闻事实后,再报道这个新闻事实的继续和发展。三是反映式,就是重要稿播出后,很快组织反映稿件,进一步扩大影响。四是讨论式,就是请群众对某个问题广泛发表意见,达到澄清思想、提高认识、团结一致向前看的目的。 First, the continuous broadcast of several major forms of radio reported in the form of a lot of continuous coverage, summed up, there are four main. First, the fragmented, that is, in a few days time, time and time coverage of a person, something, a unit’s deeds or experience. The second is continuation, that is, after reporting an important fact of the news, we then report on the continuation and development of the fact of the news. Third, the reflection is the important manuscript broadcast soon after the organization to reflect the manuscript to further expand the influence. Fourth, the discussion is to ask the masses to express their opinions on a wide range of issues and achieve the goal of clarifying their thinking, raising their awareness and looking forward to unity.
蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis spp.)属于热带花卉。长江中下游地区,温度一直是影响其生长和消费的重要因素。本试验采用三个品种(系),分别是婚宴、聚宝和ZD-1,经浙江大学实验农场长期
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