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目的了解超级市场客流规律与安全监管现状,假设并研究恐怖分子对这一特殊环境进行恐怖袭击的方式和可能性,建立预防控制措施和预警机制。方法随机抽取超市休息日和工作日营业时间各3 d,监测散装食品购买人次数、日客流总数和分时段客流数(依据结账POS机),然后对部分消费者进行问卷调查,应用SPSS18.0统计软件进行数据处理。结果休息日客流量高于工作日客流量,休息日客流量呈双峰分布(时间分别为10:30和15:30),散装食品购买人数与总客流量呈线性相关(回归方程:Y=0.091 X-90.145);问卷调查结果显示,83.43%的人经常购买散装食品,且高达67.23%的人认为超市不会发生恐怖袭击,不同性别和不同年龄组比较,差异无统计学意义。结论目前超市处于反恐工作的薄弱环节,需加强预防控制措施,降低恐怖袭击风险。 Objective To understand the current laws and regulations on passenger flow in supermarkets and the current state of safety supervision. Assume and study the ways and possibilities of terrorist attacks on this special environment and establish prevention and control measures and early warning mechanisms. Methods We randomly selected the rest days and business hours of the supermarket for 3 days each to monitor the number of purchasers of bulk food, the total number of daily passenger flow and the passenger flow of sub-period (based on the checkout POS machine). Then some consumers were surveyed, and SPSS18.0 Statistical software for data processing. Results The daily traffic volume on the rest day was higher than that on the business day, and the traffic on the rest day presented a bimodal distribution (time 10:30 and 15:30 respectively). The number of bulk food purchasers was linearly correlated with the total traffic volume (regression equation: Y = 0.091 X-90.145). According to the questionnaire survey, 83.43% of the respondents regularly purchased bulk food, and up to 67.23% of them thought that the supermarket would not have a terrorist attack. There was no significant difference between different sexes and different age groups. Conclusion At present, supermarkets are in a weak position in counter-terrorism work. Prevention and control measures need to be strengthened to reduce the risk of terrorist attacks.
发展烟草立体种植,必须在保证烟叶质量的前提下进行。根据我们近年来试验和调查研究,对烟草立体种植提出如下几种种植模式,供各地参考。 The development of tobacco three