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1988年《中华人民共和国私营企业暂行条例》的颁布,标志着私营企业作为一种独立的经济成分,重新步入了我国的经济和社会生活。8年来,随着经济体制改革的不断深化,特别是邓小平同志视察南方重要谈话和党的十四大确立建立社会主义市场经济体制的改革目标,极大地解放了人们的思想,私人投资办企业的积极性空前高涨,私营经济得到了长足的发展。据市工商局统计,截止1996年9月底,我市自然人投资注册的独资、合伙企业和有限责任公司已逾2.8万家,注册资金近160亿元,吸纳劳动力逾34万(含投资者本人)。其中,自1992年至1995 The promulgation of the “Provisional Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Private Enterprises” in 1988 marked that private enterprises, as an independent economic component, entered the country’s economic and social life again. Over the past eight years, with the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system, Comrade Deng Xiaoping in particular inspected the important talks in the South and the reform goal of establishing the socialist market economic system at the Party’s 14th National Congress, which has greatly liberated people’s thinking and private investment in the establishment of enterprises. Unprecedented enthusiasm, the private economy has made considerable progress. According to statistics from the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, as of the end of September 1996, the number of wholly-owned, partnership, and limited liability companies registered by natural persons in the city had exceeded 28,000, registered capital was nearly 16 billion yuan, and more than 340,000 labor forces were absorbed (including investors themselves). . Among them, from 1992 to 1995
在对侵略战争、种族屠杀和恐怖威胁深刻反思、同声谴责的国际舆论环境中,半个多世纪前的“南京大屠杀”历史悲剧,显示出巨大的现实警示意义 The historical tragedy of the
1.A Zhong called the waiter,“May I know the time difference be-tween Beijing and New York?”The telephone exchange an-swered,“Just a minute!”A Zhonganswered,
[导读] “望子成龙”之心,人皆有之。在当今物化的社会里,尤为甚。成年人的教育模式自然打上“功利主义”的深深烙印,受教育者的心灵受到不同程度的创伤。著名作家刘心武写的