
来源 :中国冶金工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahfnhui
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目前胃癌的常见化疗药物主要包括氟尿嘧啶类及其衍生物、铂类、紫衫类、阿霉素类、喜树碱等。但是老年胃癌患者本身就存在免疫系统和生理功能的下降,对大多数常规化疗药物不能耐受。本科于2010年1月至2011年12月使用紫杉醇联合替吉奥胶囊治疗老年胃癌26例,近期疗效较好,报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料26例老年胃癌病例均是病理切片证实的患者,其中男16例,女10例,年龄53~76岁。其中18例经手术根治,所有患者均经病理诊断,未手术治疗者经胃镜组织活检或淋巴结穿刺活检证实,以上病例病理类型包括乳头状腺癌,管状腺癌、腺鳞癌、鳞状上皮癌。所有病例近6周未接受化 At present, common chemotherapy drugs for gastric cancer include fluorouracil and its derivatives, platinum, purple shirt, doxorubicin, camptothecin and the like. However, the elderly patients with gastric cancer itself, the immune system and physiological decline, most of the conventional chemotherapeutic drugs can not tolerate. Undergraduate from January 2010 to December 2011 using paclitaxel combined with georgia treatment of 26 cases of elderly patients with gastric cancer, the recent good effect, the report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data 26 cases of elderly patients with gastric cancer are confirmed by pathological sections of patients, including 16 males and 10 females, aged 53 to 76 years. Among them, 18 cases were cured by operation, all patients were diagnosed by pathology, and no operation was confirmed by gastroscopic biopsy or lymph node biopsy. The above pathological types include papillary adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma . All cases were not accepted for nearly 6 weeks
  Progressive prostate cancer (PrCA) is often treated withe androgen deprivation therapy (ADT).ADT both in the adjuvant setting as well as in advanced stages
在开山工程中,采用钢钎冲击炮眼,是非常广泛的。但在锤击中,钢钎消耗大。为了节约钢材,我们采用了钢钎淬顶的方法。效果很好。现在介绍如下。 In the mountain project, th
中国物价指数由负转正的速度恐怕又要低于预期了。尽管,目前的CPI(居民消费价格指数)和PP(I国内生产者价格指数)仍为负值,但当下M1(狭义货币供应量)与M2(广义货币供应 China