
来源 :党政干部学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhu986
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记者:针对一些领导干部的腐化堕落,现在许多人提出了领导干部的职业道德问题。今天请您谈谈这个问题,好吗? 齐戎:好。我们的领导干部应该说多数是够格的,是好的,特别是涌现出一批如孔繁森、张鸣歧。李润五等具有高尚道德情操的优秀领导干部。但同时也必须看到,腐败现象对领导干部的侵蚀也是相当严重的。目前,领导干部犯罪率有上升趋势,职业道德水准有下降趋势,群众对领导干部职业道德现状评价也不高。反映出领导干部中的问题,一是违法乱纪问题;一是道德失范问题。解决的办法也必然靠两个方面,一是健全法纪,对违法者绳之以法;一是建立领导干部职业道德规范,使领导干部廉洁自律。 Reporter: In response to the corruption and degradation of some leading cadres, many people now put forward the issue of professional ethics among leading cadres. Please talk about this issue today, okay? Our leading cadres should say that most of them are qualified and good ones. In particular, there emerge a batch of people such as Kong Fansen and Zhang Mingqi. Li Runwu and other noble moral character of outstanding leading cadres. At the same time, we must also see that the erosion of leading cadres by the corruption phenomenon is also quite serious. At present, the crime rate of leading cadres has been on an upward trend, the standard of professional ethics has been on the decline, and the masses have not evaluated the status quo of leading cadres’ professional ethics yet. Reflect the leading cadres in the problem, one is the problem of law and discipline; one is the problem of moral anomie. The solution to this problem must also depend on two aspects: first, improve law and discipline and bring justice to those who break the law; first, establish the professional ethics of leading cadres so that leading cadres will practice honesty and self-discipline.
Chen Chuan works as a professional painter in northern China at the Shandong Provincial Art Gallery Born and raised in the south, he has a deep attachment to C
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