
来源 :中国创伤骨科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:trulyliu
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北京创伤骨科研究所成立于1958年,位于北京新街口东街、北京积水潭医院院内;隶属于北京市科委、北京市卫生局,是北京市科委批准可授予医学硕士学位的研究单位。本所以创伤骨科、烧伤科的临床应用研究和应用基础研究为主要研究方向,并已形成自己的优势和特色。 1963年以来,在严重骨创伤的治疗、断指、断肢再植、手功能重建、骶骨肿瘤切除、特大面积烧伤抢救、深度烧伤创面修复、电烧伤、化学烧伤的临床治疗方面,在骨缺损修复替代材料的应用研究方面作出了较好成绩,得到患者肯定。 在骨与软骨代谢疾病的研究方向,起步较早。60年代研制了治疗骨性关节炎的中药404;80年代初期开始进行骨质疏松与骨性关节炎方面的研究。1985年研制成功25(OH)D3放免试剂盒;在骨替代材料研究方向;1984年于国内首次提取骨形成蛋白(BMP),并制备出羟基磷灰石;1997年研制成功新型钙剂——纳米碳酸钙,并获得卫生部保健品批准文号。 1982年建立的OS-732成骨肉瘤细胞株已传过百代,性质稳定;1995年开展 Founded in 1958, Beijing Orthopaedic Orthopedics Institute is located in Beijing Xinjiekou East Street and Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. It is affiliated to the Beijing Science and Technology Commission and the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. It is a research unit approved by the Beijing Science and Technology Commission to confer a master’s degree in medical science. Therefore, clinical application research and applied basic research of trauma orthopedics and burns are the main research directions and have formed their own advantages and characteristics. Since 1963, in the treatment of severe bone trauma, severed fingers, replantation of severed limbs, reconstruction of hand function, resection of sacral tumors, rescue of extraordinarily large burns, repair of deep burn wounds, electrical burns, and chemical burns, in bone defects The application of research on the repair of alternative materials has achieved good results and has been affirmed by the patient. The research direction of bone and cartilage metabolism diseases started earlier. In the 1960s, Chinese medicine 404 for osteoarthritis was developed; in the early 1980s, studies on osteoporosis and osteoarthritis began. In 1985, the 25(OH)D3 radioimmunoassay kit was successfully developed. In the direction of research on bone substitute materials, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) was first extracted in the country in 1984, and hydroxyapatite was prepared. In 1997, a new type of calcium agent was successfully developed. Nano-calcium carbonate, and access to health ministry health product approval number. The OS-732 osteosarcoma cell line established in 1982 has been passed through EMI for a long time and has been stable;
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