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当前农村中出现的干群矛盾、经济纠纷、治安秩序等不稳定因素,不仅影响农村的稳定和发展,而且直接关系到依法治国方略的实施和现代化建设的进程。出现这些问题的根本原因就在于农村的民主法制不健全,农村工作尚未完全实现法制化。实施依法治国方略,建设社会主义法治国家,必须高度重视农村的民主法制建设,依法建立村级规范化管理机制。本文试就加强农村民主法制建设谈点粗浅看法。 The unstable factors such as the contradictions between cadres and the masses, economic disputes and public order in the current rural areas not only affect the stability and development of the rural areas, but also directly affect the implementation of the strategy of governing the country by law and the process of modernization. The root cause of these problems lies in the fact that the democratic legal system in rural areas is not perfect and the rural work has not yet been fully legalized. To implement the strategy of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law, we must attach great importance to the construction of a democratic legal system in rural areas and establish a standardized management mechanism at the village level in accordance with the law. This paper tries to strengthen rural democracy and legal system to talk about the crude point of view.
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19世纪英国大诗人雪莱曾经如此写过伦敦:“地狱如是个城市,它就是伦敦,人群拥挤,也多黑霾。”  以前的伦敦,脏乱而多雾,但并不是正常的雾气,而是烧煤所造成的灰黑大雾。这种情况在维多利亚女王时达到极致。1900年,伦敦人口660万,为世界第一大城,由于家家户户燃煤,有100万根烟囱,百十万个烧煤的蒸汽引擎。由于燃煤过度,大多数时候黑乌乌的一片,到了冬天,煤灰就凝聚成灰黑的大雾。1905年伦敦的名医德
“人的智商永远比智能手机更靠谱。”  我觉得智能手机实在有点儿多管闲事了。   有天晚上我闲得无聊,开始刷新微博,看看那些我关注过的百十来号人这个时间点都在发布什么。对于“加关注”这件事,其实来得挺不情愿的,因为那些道听途说只打过一两个电话的人也会无比热情地要求跟你彼此关注,虽然我一点儿都不明白多一个粉丝少一个粉丝对一个人的名誉有什么影响,但还是关注了很多毫不相干的人。其中有一个斯文男士,每到夜半
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