Effect of Ammonia-Nitrogen Stress on Non-specific Immunity of Hybrid Tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus×

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The juveniles of hybrid tilapia( Oreochromis niloticus × Oreochromis areus) were exposed to ammonia-nitrogen( N)( 0,2. 5,5,10 and 20 mg / L) for0,12,24,48 and 72 h to evaluate the effect of ammonia-N stress on their non-specific immunity. Results show that the activity of serum lysozyme decreased significantly with extension of stress time( P < 0. 05). The total antioxidant capacity( T-AOC) and activity of antioxidase in liver were significantly affected. The activity of T-AOC and total superoxide dismutase( T-SOD) of fish exposed to ammonia-N were initially decreasing then increasing( P < 0. 05). Activities of catalase( CAT) and glutathione peroxidase( GSH-Px) were correlated with concentrations of ammonia-N. Fish exposed to lower concentrations( 2. 5 mg/L or 5 mg/L)showed decreased CAT activity within 24 h( P < 0. 05),while those exposed to higher concentrations( 10 mg / L or 20 mg / L) initially showed increased then decreased activity of CAT. Except for the highest concentration groups,fish exposed to ammonia-N showed inductive activity of GSH-Px( P < 0. 05). Under the experimental conditions,non-specific immunity of tilapia was affected by ammonia-N stress,and the impact was increased with increased concentration and extension of time. The juveniles of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × ​​Oreochromis areus) were exposed to ammonia-nitrogen (0,2,5,5,10 and 20 mg / L) for0,12,24,48 and 72 h to evaluate the effect of ammonia-N stress on their non-specific immunity. Results show that the activity of serum lysozyme decreased significantly with extension of stress time (P <0.05). The total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) and activity of an antioxidant in The activity of T-AOC and total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) of fish exposed to ammonia-N were decreased initially then increasing (P <0.05). Activities of catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase GSH-Px) were correlated with concentrations of ammonia-N. Fish exposed to lower concentrations (2.5 mg / L or 5 mg / L) showed decreased CAT activity within 24 h (P <0.05) higher concentrations (10 mg / L or 20 mg / L) initially showed increased then decreased activity of CAT. Except for the highest concentration g roups, fish exposed to ammonia-N showed inductive activity of GSH-Px (P <0.05). Under the experimental conditions, non-specific immunity of tilapia was affected by ammonia-N stress, and the impact was increased with increased concentration and extension of time.
我有一位朋友保罗,在圣诞节前夕收到了一辆新轿车,是他哥哥送给他的圣诞礼物。圣诞前夜,他从办公室里出来,看见一个小男孩正在看他的新车,小男孩问道:“先生,这是你的车吗?”  保罗点点头,“我哥哥送给我的圣诞礼物。”小男孩吃惊地瞪大了眼睛,“你是说这车是你哥哥送给你的,不用你花一分钱?哇,我真希望……”他欲言又止。  保罗当然明白小屁孩的愿望:他希望自己也有一个这样的哥哥。但是那小男孩接下去说的话完全
如果你在路上遇见一个人,他一边走一边哼唱着一首歌,也许五音不全,或者根本不成曲调,然而,你听得出喜悦的气氛,像一颗颗跳动的光粒子,与你擦身而过。这时候你会怎么想呢?真是一个幸福的人啊。  几年前,一位相识多年的朋友开车载我在北海岸兜风。刚刚吃完一袋新鲜草莓,春天的阳光和暖风都很温柔,我们有整整一天的时光可以消磨。我在被草莓的香气裹覆的车中唱起歌来,因为记性不好,每首歌只唱几句就换下一首,却也能不间
一个是著名诗人,一个是著名评论家,在一次采风活动中,他俩被安排到一个房间。  评论家同时又爱好古玩收藏,间或写些收藏心得小文,发于报端,在收藏界亦小有名气。宾馆房间里有报纸,诗人拿起来看,正好,就看到了一篇收藏文章——著名评论家写的。诗人读完,佩服至极,两人围绕相关话题,说得滔滔不绝,听得津津有味。诗人除了在博物馆看过古董,从未有过收藏之举,但他忽然想起了一件事。  “文革”时,诗人的父母刚刚结婚
小男孩儿吴季刚喜欢芭比娃娃和靓丽的服饰,每当跟母亲逛街,橱窗里姹紫嫣红的锦罗绮裳,总能吸引他稚嫩的目光。他有个哥哥,学业出类拔萃,是家族的骄傲,而他却对学习兴趣索然,成绩一直很糟糕。父亲恨铁不成钢,母亲对其前程也忧心忡忡。  一天,深夜时分,睡眼惺忪的母亲看见昏黄的台灯下,儿子正专注地缝制拇指般大小的“娃娃服”。“时间不早了,赶紧休息吧。”母亲说。“等我把最后一粒纽扣缝上,就睡了。”他飞针走线,低