理性看待 辩证实施——解读2014年最新高考改革方案

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《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》于2014年9月4日发布,标志着新一轮考试招生制度改革全面启动。这次改革在保持现行考试招生制度稳定的基础上,着力解决突出问题,适应经济社会发展对多样化高素质人才的需要,更好地促进学生健康发展,更好地科学选拔各类人才,更好地维护社会公平。对此,本刊特约作者陈小鹏老师第一时间对《实施意见》进行了解读,认为要理性看待,辩证实施。招生制度改革牵动千家万户,与家庭发展、社会和谐、国家未来息息相关。因此,我们热忱欢迎广大政治教师,从学科特点出发,结合自身教学实际,就大家关心的“入学机会”“学业水平考试”“综合素质评价”“录取方式”“考试加分”“自主招生”“监督管理”“综合改革”等重大问题,各抒己见,建言献策,厘清认识。 The “Opinions of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Examination Enrollment System” was released on September 4, 2014, marking the full launch of the reform in the new round of examination admissions system. On the basis of maintaining the stability of the current examination enrollment system, this reform will focus on resolving outstanding problems, meeting the needs of diversified and highly qualified personnel for economic and social development, promoting the healthy development of students better, selecting more scientific talents of all kinds and more Good to maintain social fairness. In response, the author of this article special author Chen Xiaopeng the first time the “Opinions” were interpreted, that should be rational, dialectical implementation. Enrollment system reform affects thousands of households, and family development, social harmony, the country's future is closely related. Therefore, we warmly welcome the majority of political teachers, starting from the characteristics of our academic disciplines and combining our own practical teaching, we will take a closer look at the “entrance exams”, “academic proficiency tests”, “comprehensive qualifications”, “admission methods” “Exam plus points” “self-enrollment ” “supervision and management ” “comprehensive reform ” and other major issues, express their views, suggestions and suggestions to clarify understanding.
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