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企业政工人员应把自己工作的立足点置于给所在企业解决实际问题上,企业面临的实际问题越大,政工人员解决实际问题的能力就应该越突出。一,一份内参引起中央部、省领导的高度重视1992年下半年,四川省政协赴川东气田考察工作组,到石油川东开发公司举行了专门的座谈会。当时我在这家公司宣传科供职,便赶去参加了会议。会议反应最强烈的是:一些地方政府和农民从狭隘的本位主义出发,不顾大局和国家利益,阻挠甚至人为地破坏川东气田的生产建设,给气田造成不小损失。到会的公司领导和有关人员,向省政协人员呼吁,遏制不良行为,以保障川东气田正常生产。省政协人员答复,关于川东气田不良外部生产环境问题,省政协在有关会议上作为专顶提案 The political workers of enterprises should put the foothold of their own work on the practical problems for the enterprises they deal with. The more practical problems the enterprises face, the more prominent the political workers’ ability to solve practical problems should be. I. Internal Control Arouses Central Committee and Provincial Leaders’ High Attention In the second half of 1992, the Sichuan Provincial Committee of Political Consultative Conference went to the Sichuan East Gas Field Inspection Working Group and held a special forum with Petroleum and East Coast Development Company. At that time I was working for the company’s public relations department and rushed to attend the meeting. The meeting was the most intense response: some local governments and peasants from the narrow selfishness, regardless of the overall situation and national interests, obstruction and even artificial destruction of production and construction of the East Sichuan gas field, causing no small loss to the gas field. To the company leaders and related personnel, to the provincial CPPCC members appealed to curb the bad behavior in order to protect the normal production of Sichuan gas field. Provincial CPPCC personnel reply, on the unfriendly external production environment in eastern Sichuan gas field, the provincial CPPCC at the relevant meeting as a top-level proposal
1发病经过与调查情况患儿,男,2006-02-19出生,于2008-10-1510:00左右在某预防接种门诊接种季节性流行性感冒(流感)病毒裂解疫苗(Influenza Virus Burst Vaccine,InfV-B)1剂(