
来源 :阅读与作文(英语高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majunchigg
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   Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.
  “You talk to people on the telephone and don’t see them on the other end of the line, right?” he began. The children nodded yes. “Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He’s on the other end, but you can’t see him. He is listening, though.”
   Just then, a little boy piped up and asked, “What’s his number?”
教育部于2014年印发了《关于全面深化课程改革落实立德树人根本任务的意见》,在这个文件中正式提出了培养学生核心素养的概念。随之,越来越多的教育人士认为在各阶段的教学中,都应该坚持立德树人的目标,都应该以培养学生的核心素养作为主要的教学目标之一。高中英语老师应谨记以学生为本的教育思想,使高中英语课堂回归到培养人的本质上来。   1. 利用教学情景培养学生的语言能力   英语对于高中学生来说就是一
高考作文反对“假”“大”“空”,而以小见大之法则是打击“假”“大”“空”的一个有效途径。“一粒沙里见世界,半瓣花上说人情”,巧妙运用以小见大之法,定能收到意想不到的效果,具体可分为以下两种情况。  一、以小见大——大题小做  大题小做就是将有关文章立意较“大”、较“宽”、较“虚”的话题具体为一个小事件、集中在一个小视野,近而为这些话题找一个“小”突破口来揭示其“大”内涵。具体可从三个方面切入:  
语言是用来交流的工具,情态动词反映的是说话人在交流过程中的态度和情感。因此,正确使用情态动词很重要。   一、考查推测的情态动词常见有must,ought to,should,can,could,may,might等   (一)对现在动作或状态的推测(以上情态动词 be/do)   1. Liza________well not want to go on the trip—she hate
Paris the day after Christmas, 1908  You must know, dear Mr. Kappus, how glad I was to have the lovely letter from you. The news that you give me, real and expressible as it now is again, seems to me
As summer comes rolling in, you might be thinking more and more about cooler sweets to eat, namely[也就是] ice cream. Or maybe you think about ice cream all the time, no matter what the temperature is. R
And in one of San Diego’s biggest parks, you can find Christians, Hari Krishnas, and Muslims, handing out pamphlets, defending their religious views, and looking for converts. Recently a group of athe
1 ache   熟义:vi.痛,疼痛   生义:vi.(1)为…感到难过,同情(to feel sympathy or compassion)   如:His heart ached for the starving animals.他为那些挨饿的动物们感到痛心。   (2)渴望(toyearnorlong)   如:The refugees were aching for their
“Hainan” which literally means “South of the Sea” in Chinese, is a province off the southern coast of China in the South China Sea, which consists of several islands, the largest of which is Hainan Is
The moment he exited the spot-light for backstage, applause still booming across a temporary stage in an ancient temple, Zhu Feng tore off his hairnet and peeled off his sweat-saturated costume. “Seve
【摘 要】 写作一直以来都是高中英语的重要组成部分,教学创生是建立在教学预设基础上,教学创生模式改变了传统的写作教学方式,是对传统教学观念的一种突破,在该种理念下,写作教学是需要建立在教学计划与教材的基础上,创造性的开展教学活动,该种教学方法可以有效提升高中应用写作教学的效率。本文主要分析教学创生视角下的高中英语有效写作教学的策略。  【关键词】 教学创生视角 高中英语 有效写作教学策略