
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyman9907
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目前,在我国石油、石化企业中,基层培训人员的工作通常是由基层主管责任人以及基层兼职教师具体负责。其师资主要是由基层技术人员和一些理论知识全面、实践操作经验丰富的技师担当,基层培训工作是否开展的扎实有效,兼职教师“传、帮、带”所起的作用是非常重要的。一、基层领导重视,发挥兼职教师自身能力兼职教师通常是基层的生产骨干,在基层可以独当一面,他们在生产中可以一边工作,一边学习,并且有着非常丰富的工作经验和较高且熟练的操作技能。如何发挥兼职教师“传、帮、带”的作用,基层领导的态度非常重要,只有基层领导切切实实的重视、大力支持并且把培训工作当成一项重要的工作开展,基层单位的职工才可以受到全面细致的培训,技能操作水平才可以有较大的提 At present, in China’s oil and petrochemical enterprises, the training of grass-roots trainees is usually the responsibility of grass-roots managers and grassroots part-time teachers. Its teachers are mainly composed of grass-roots technical staff and some theoretical knowledge, practice and operation of experienced technicians to play, grassroots training work carried out a solid and effective, part-time teacher “pass, help, with ” role is very important . First, the grass-roots leaders attach importance to part-time teachers to play their own part-time teachers are usually grassroots production backbone, can be at the grassroots level, they can work while in production, while learning, and has a very rich work experience and high and skilled operation skill. How to give full play to part-time teachers? The role of grassroots leaders is very important. Only grassroots leaders attach importance to and support the training work as an important task. The employees of grassroots units Before they can be fully and meticulously trained, skill level can be a big mention
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