湖南省岳阳军分区立足长远抓基层 撤掉“试验田” 普施“催长肥”

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如何杜绝抓基层时搞花架子,防止出现“试验田”里的“速成品”。湖南省岳阳军分区在抓人武部建设的工作实施中,不抓典型、不树样板,注重提高干部特别是人武部主官解决问题的能力。 今年年初,军分区党委就确定今年的工作重心放在抓基层的全面建设上。为克服抓基层的盲目性,军分区派出6个工作组下到各人武部进行调查摸底,很快各工作组形成的抓基层意见摆到了军分区党委“一班人”的案头。 工作指导思想确定后,党委抓基层的方式、方法也随之而变。过去的上门服务、大包大揽变成了给政策、还权力;指导解决具体问题变成了帮助提高能力素质、练内功;追求政绩、突出影响变成了实在管用、 How to put an end to grasping grass-roots level to spend time to prevent the “experimental field” in the “quick product.” In carrying out the work of grasping the armed forces, the Yueyang Army Division in Hunan Province failed to focus on the typical model or tree model and paid attention to improving the cadre’s ability to solve problems, especially the personnel of the armed forces department. Earlier this year, the military district party committee decided to focus its efforts on grassroots overall construction this year. In order to overcome the blindness of grasping grass-roots level, the six sub-districts of the military sub-region dispatched a survey to each armed forces department. Soon the grass-roots opinions formed by various working groups were put on the desk of “one class of people” of the party committee of the military sub-region. After the guiding ideology for work has been finalized, the ways and methods of party committees in grasping the grassroots level will also change. In the past, on-site service and big package turned into policies and power; guiding and solving specific problems turned into helping to improve the quality and ability of internal training; pursuing political achievement and highlighting the impact became effective,
深入基层,着力报道一线官兵,是军队新闻摄影工作者的一项重要任务。入伍30年来,我始终未淡漠战士情怀,有空便往军营里跑,尤其钟情边海防和艰苦地区, Drilling down at the g
去年以来,江西省南昌县人武部党委创造性地开展工作,全面建设有了较大突破,被江西省委、省政府、省军区评为先进人武部。 靠战斗力增强凝聚力 2001年3月,一道命令,部长周建