阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller,1915—2005)是美国公认的最伟大剧作家之一,与尤金·奥尼尔、田纳西·威廉斯一起统领了二十世纪百老汇舞台,并将美国戏剧推向整个世界。其代表作《推销员之死》于1949年2月在百老汇上演后轰动了戏剧界,一举夺得当年的普利策戏剧奖和纽约戏剧评论奖,以及美国舞台艺术成就的最高奖项托尼奖,由此奠定了米勒在美国戏剧界的大师地位。与其戏剧成就相比,米勒的小说作品多半不为人知。事实上,小说创作几乎贯穿了这位著名剧作家的写作生涯始终:如长篇
Arthur Miller (1915-2005), recognized as one of the greatest playwrights in the United States, together with Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams, led the Broadway stage of the twentieth century and pushed American drama to the whole world. His masterpiece “Death of a Salesman” hit the theater industry after his Broadway debut in February 1949, winning the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the New York Drama Critic Award of the year and the Tony Award for the highest award for American stage art achievement. This laid Miller in the United States theater master status. Compared with his dramatic achievements, most of Miller’s novels are unknown. In fact, the writing of novels runs through the writing career of the famous playwright almost always: