Influence of Mixed Common Solvent on the Co-assembled Morphology of PS-b-PEO and CdS Quantum Dots

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liucheng333
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The hybrid structures of polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide)(PS-b-PEO) block copolymer and inorganic nanoparticles with good stability and biocompatibility have potential applications in drug delivery and bioimaging. Spherical co-assemblies of PS120-b-PEO318 and oleylamine-capped Cd S quantum dots(QDs) are produced successfully in this work by adding water to a mixed common solvent, such as N,N-dimethylmethanamide(DMF)/chloroform, DMF/tetrahydrofuran(THF), or DMF/toluene. The energy dispersive X-ray(EDX) spectrum indicates that QDs are located at the interface between the core and shell of the spherical co-assemblies. The co-assembly process during water addition is traced by transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and turbidity measurement. Spherical co-assemblies are formed through budding from bilayers of the block copolymer and QDs. The morphology of the co-assemblies is related to the miscibility of the QD-dispersing solvents with water and the morphology changes from a spherical to a vesicle-like structure with DMF/toluene. Increasing THF content in the mixed solvent causes morphological transitions from spherical co-assemblies to multi-branched cylinders and micelles where QDs are located in the central core. Increasing chloroform content yields vesicle-like structures with protruding rods on the surface. The mechanism of the morphological transitions is also discussed in detail. The hybrid structures of polystyrene-b-poly (ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) block copolymer and inorganic nanoparticles with good stability and biocompatibility have potential applications in drug delivery and bioimaging. Spherical co-assemblies of PS120-b-PEO318 and oleylamine-capped Cd S quantum dots (QDs) are produced successfully in this work by adding water to a mixed common solvent, such as N, N-dimethylmethanamide (DMF) / chloroform, DMF / tetrahydrofuran The energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum indicates that QDs are located at the interface between the core and shell of the spherical co-assemblies. The co-assembly process during water addition is traced by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and turbidity measurement Spherical co-assemblies are formed through budding from bilayers of the block copolymer and QDs. The morphology of the co-assemblies is related to the miscibility of the QD-dispersing solvents with water and the morphology changes from a spherical to a vesicle-like structure with DMF / toluene. Increasing THF content in the mixed solvent causes morphological transitions from spherical co-assemblies to multi-branched cylinders and micelles where QDs are located in the central core. Increasing chloroform content yields vesicle-like structures with protruding rods on the surface. The mechanism of the morphological transitions is also discussed in detail.
发展与现状 一、发展 上海市民办中小学重新兴起于1992年。在邓小平同志“南巡讲话”的精神鼓舞下,首批民办中小学在教育改革的浪潮下应运而生,它们是:扬波中学、扬波外国语
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