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据云南省交通运输厅介绍,2011年该省共收取车辆通行费69.6亿元,扣除管养费用后,尚不足以支付贷款利息65.9亿元,亏损20.2亿元。官方分析称,云南山高谷深,修建高速公路成本高,又因处于国家高速公路网的神经末梢,车流量有限,通行费率较低,致使入不敷出。(《都市时报》10月21日)高速公路,是个高利润产业,这是中国人都知道的事。高速公路的利润率到底有多大?有媒体报道,重庆路桥2011年毛利率竟然达到了91.14%。也有报道称,沪深两市目前一共有19家高速公路上市公司,这些高速公路上市公司的销售毛利率高得惊人:其中,50%的 According to the introduction of Yunnan Provincial Department of Transportation, in 2011, the province collected a total of 6.96 billion yuan of vehicle tolls. After deducting custody fees, it was still not enough to pay loan interest of 6.59 billion yuan and a loss of 2.02 billion yuan. According to an official analysis, high mountains and deep valleys in Yunnan Province have high cost of constructing highways. Because of the limited number of traffic on the national highway network and limited traffic flow, toll rates are low, making them unable to make ends meet. (“City Times” October 21) The highway is a high-profit industry, which is something Chinese knows. Highway profit margins in the end how much? Media reports, Chongqing Luqiao 2011 gross margin even reached 91.14%. There are also reports that Shanghai and Shenzhen currently have a total of 19 listed companies on expressways. The gross profit margin of these expressway listed companies is staggering: 50%
最近,CON(City on night)音乐家庭推出 了一款兼顾多媒体播放功能的影音中心 机。这台影音中心特别之处在于它内置 MP3播放功能,自带32M闪存记忆体,而且可通过扩展口外接Mul
  Overexpression of cyclin E associates with multi-tumorigenesis,including breast,colon,bladder,skin,lung cancer and so on.It is noteworthy that cyclin E can
“园丰粉4号”番茄是山西省夏县园丰蔬菜科研所新育成的中早熟无限生长类型,抗病高产一代杂交种,7叶左右着生第一花序,然后隔3叶左右出一个花序,果大圆整,果粉红色,果 “Yu