
来源 :民族论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqing1226
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家族思想在我国有根深蒂固的历史,从家族特征的角度来说,民家与汉族具有极高的一致性特征,但在主体身份认同方面却有地域性高于家族性的情况。鉴于儒家思想的传播与族群形成同步发展,民家文化是汉文化与土著文化的融合体,汉文化的家族特征在民家文化中大量呈现实属正常,但就此推演的“白汉一体”结论与族群的动态发展过程并不相符。对此问题的探讨,本文一方面通过分析早期民家的研究成果,探讨不同政治背景的主位民家观及白族观,包括主位的群体认同观念与作为民族的身份建构与转变。另一方面,基于作为原生纽带的家族体系与族群认同之间的张力,探讨作为共同体的家族与族群在政治意识形态影响下的工具理性与纯意识形态的非理性意义取向下的民家观。 Family history has a deep-rooted history in our country. From the perspective of family characteristics, both people and Han have very high consistency characteristics. However, there is a geographical higher than familial status in the aspect of identity. In view of the simultaneous development of ethnic groups and the spread of Confucianism, the culture of the people is a fusion of the Han culture and the Aboriginal culture. It is normal for the Han culture’s family features to be presented in a large amount in the folk culture, but the conclusion of the “White Han One” And the dynamic development of ethnic groups do not match. On the one hand, through analyzing the research results of early people’s family, this article explores the main people’s concept of family and Bai in different political backgrounds, including the identity recognition of the main group and the identity construction and transformation as the nation. On the other hand, based on the tension between the family system and ethnic identity as the primary link, this paper explores the concept of private family under the irrational meaning of instrumental rationality and pure ideology under the influence of political ideology.
为分析垂体瘤卒中病人发病后特异表现以利减少误诊 ,提高临床诊断率。我们收集 4 2例垂体瘤中病例材料 ,从发病后到我科就诊时症状体征 ,辅以各种检查结果 ,分析其特征性表现
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