
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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当前,我们的社会正处在一个伟大的转折时期,学生处在这样一个时期中,不能不受到感染。他们思想活跃,并且用探索的眼光、追究的态度来观察现实,并且反映到作文中来了。他们或是议论政治生活,或是品评新闻,或是褒贬人物,或是针贬时弊,或是抒发抱负,总之,笔锋已触及到现实社会了,不再是干巴巴的学生腔了。但于此同时,问题也就随之而来了。首先是因为学生涉世不深,思想认识水平不高,其次是前一时期资产阶级思想自由化的影响。因此在观察社会时便不免把支流当作主流,把现象当作本质,认识一偏差,作文中就出现类比不当、讲过头话等错误。 At present, our society is in a great turning point. Students are in such a period and they must not be infected. They have an active mind and observe the reality with an eye for exploration and accountability, and they are reflected in the composition. They either discuss political life, or criticize the news, or disregard the characters, or demerit or disadvantage, or aspirations. In short, the stroke has touched the real world, and is no longer a dry student room. But at the same time, the problem has followed. The first reason is that because students are not deeply involved in the world, the level of ideological understanding is not high, followed by the influence of bourgeois ideological liberalization in the previous period. Therefore, when observing the society, it is inevitable that the tributaries are taken as the mainstream, the phenomenon is regarded as the essence, and a deviation is recognized. In the composition, mistakes such as improper analogy and speaking before are found.
根据现代城市公共交通系统的发展情况,本文总结了现代城市公共交通系统的型式、特点及其发展的主要经验,并提出了我国城市公共交通系统选择的对策。 According to the devel
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本文着重从轮轨粘着方面,对怎样提高重载列车牵引力问题作了综合探讨。认为使用现有货运机车,采用双机或多机牵引是提高重载列车牵引力既简便又有效的途径。 This article f