
来源 :审计月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwpvinson
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本文从实物期权分析方法的角度出发,引入布莱克一斯科尔斯期权定价模型,结合净现值法,对房地产投资决策进行了分析。提出了对应各类实物期权的房地产投资策略,并用实物期权的定价方法对传统的贴现现金流量法进行改进,以提高房地产投资决策的科学性。 In this paper, from the point of view of the real option analysis method, the Black-Scholes option pricing model is introduced, and the net value method is used to analyze the real estate investment decision-making. Proposed the real estate investment strategy corresponding to all kinds of real options and improved the traditional discount cash flow method with the real option pricing method to improve the scientific decision of real estate investment.
校园里的“短跑小将”周丽娜的祖籍是重庆,可她却是土生土长的宜宾人。爸爸曾在一家企业工作。后来企业倒闭就做起小店生意.妈妈也没有正当职业,帮人看店铺。就是在这 On ca