Virtual ChuanDian--A parallel numerical modeling of Sichuan-Yunnan regional strong earthquake activi

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ncla02
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Reasonable use of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of regional earthquake activities has attracted more and more attentions in realistic seismicity studies in recent years. The inherent nature of their attendant multi-scale properties, from either the temporal or the spatial direction, necessitates the use of the cutting-edge massive parallel data processing techniques. Our study here is focused on the model construction and numerical simulation of the regional stress evolution after large earthquake sequences along the fault zones in Sichuan and Yunnan areas, using large-scale parallel finite element approximations with tens of millions of unstructured meshes on the distributed systems. The objective of our study is to provide a state-of-the-art model and a large-scale numerical simulation platform, on which estimation of the risk of large earthquake triggering sequences can be carried out in a middle or long-term time scale with realistic data and constrains inputted from field observation and geological survey. Reasonable use of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of regional earthquake activities has attracted more and more attentions in realistic seismicity studies in recent years. The inherent nature of their attendant multi-scale properties, from either the temporal or the spatial direction, necessitates the use of the cutting-edge massive parallel data processing techniques. Our study here is focused on the model construction and numerical simulation of the regional stress evolution after large earthquake sequences along the fault zones in Sichuan and Yunnan areas, using large-scale parallel finite element approximations with tens of millions of unstructured meshes on the distributed systems. The objective of our study is to provide a state-of-the-art model and a large-scale numerical simulation platform, on which estimation of the risk of large earthquake triggering sequences can be carried out in a middle or long-term time scale with realistic data and constrains entered fr om field observation and geological survey.
摘要:随着时代的发展和社会的进步,图书馆资料管理工作已成为我国建设社会主义精神文明的重要组成部分,图书馆能有效营造良好的社会阅读环境,丰富人们的精神世界,提高人们的人文社科素养。目前,我国正处在市场化、集约化、科技化的时代格局下,图书馆资料管理应形成多渠道、多途径、多模式的收集、整理和服务。基于此,本文探讨了创新图书馆资料管理工作的必要性及措施。  关键词:图书馆 资料管理 创新 必要性 措施  
三菱电机、松下电器产业 ,松下电子工业从 1998年开始共同开发下一代系统LSI技术 ,作为最早的成果 ,已研究高集成DRAM系统LSI工艺技术。采用W多金属门等 ,达到世界最高门密度 190kG/mm2 。采
陈祖芬女士《依旧依旧唐人街》谈及她在英国伦敦遇到一群上海青年,他们认为伦敦像上海。文中写道:“他们说伦敦的大笨钟不等于上海外滩的大时鸣钟嘛。” Ms. Chen Zufen “
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