在中国的土地上,从白发皓首的老人到胸前飘着红领巾的少年儿童,几乎无不知晓这一段关于我们民族的历史:当年在上海租界地有一个外滩公园,公园的门口矗着一块木牌,牌子上赫然写着“华人与狗不得入内”…… 这是一段铭记着民族耻辱的历史,祖辈讲给父辈,父辈讲给我们。我们知道这块木牌的沉重,沉重到整个中华民族曾被帝国主义列强欺压凌辱得扭曲流泪;我们懂得历史不能忘记,尘封的岁月终究掩盖不住历史的真相。 然而,在1994年春天,上海史学界就这块沉重的木牌是否真实存在过,引发了一场争论。争论虽已划上句号,但它给人们的思考却远远超出了史学界,超出了本牌本身。因此,我们专门约请徐国梁、虞骁同志撰写此文,献给热爱中华的广大读者。
On the Chinese land, almost all the children aged 10 to 10 were learning about the history of our nation from the elders of Haifa Haishou to the children with red scarves on their chests: there was a Bund Park in the concession in Shanghai that year, Brand, brand impressively said “Chinese and dogs shall not be admitted” ... This is a history of bearing in mind the national shame, my grandfather told my parents, my father told us. We know that this wooden sign is so heavy and so heavy that the entire Chinese nation has been distorted and shed tears of oppression by the imperialist powers. We know that history can not be forgotten and the dusty years can not conceal the truth of history. However, in the spring of 1994, the debate among Shanghai’s historians over the existence of this heavy wooden sign was triggered. Although the debate has been put to an end, the thinking it gives to people goes far beyond the historical circle beyond the card itself. Therefore, we specifically invite Xu Guoliang and Comrade Yu Xiao to write this article for the readers who love China.