
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:theonezhaoq
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从目前情况看,我国城市低保扩面工作情况总体良好,但受各种主客观条件的制约,仍存在诸多问题,必须尽快研究解决,以促其走上规范化管理的轨道。根据调研,目前我国城市低保工作存在的问题,集中表现在6个方面:一是一手硬一手软。对城市低保对象“保”的一手比较硬,按低保标准,低保对象的生活基本可以得到保障;而“扶”的一手无论从政策措施、工作力度等方面看,都相对比较薄弱,在低保对象急需 Judging from the current situation, the work of urban MLSS expansion in general is in good condition. However, due to various subjective and objective conditions, there are still many problems that must be solved as soon as possible so as to promote its standardization management. According to the survey, at present, the problems existing in the urban minimum living allowance in our country are concentrated in six aspects: First, they are hard-earned and soft-handed. In the urban areas, the minimum living guarantee target is relatively hard. According to the minimum living allowance standard, the living standard of the minimum living guarantee people can be guaranteed basically. However, in terms of policy measures and efforts, Relatively weak, urgent need in the subsistence allowances
A simulation model is introduced about the non-linearity process of short-circuiting transfer in CO2 arc welding for displaying the interaction between the inve
介绍了一种采用8253计数器实现Watchdog技术,是微机安时测控系统中预防程序‘跑飞”,提高抗干扰能力的一种有效方法。 This paper introduces an implementation of Watchdog
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通过对裂缝井、大孔道、污染井等特殊井的分层注水工艺的分析,找出流量计分层段吸水量测试与同位素测试互补的测试方案。 Through the analysis of stratified waterfloodin