
来源 :比较法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flysky1979
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1994年10月,在北京举行的“罗马法·中国法·民法法典化国际研讨会”上,莫斯科大学法律系主任兼民法教研室主任苏哈诺夫教授关于俄罗斯联邦新民法典编纂问题的报告引起了与会学者的极大兴趣。来自我国各地的学者纷纷与他交谈,讨论各种各样的问题。苏哈诺夫在北京逗留的九天里,笔者曾同他不断地讨论俄罗斯民事立法问题,并为他翻译了他在此次会议内外的所有报告和谈话。临离京返回之前,这位对中国民事立法的发展寄予关注与期望的知名学者用了几乎两个晚上的时间,把他认为中国同行感兴趣的种种问题写成20页手稿,交给了笔者,并授权同意由我译为中文,并选择适当的刊物在中国发表。苏哈诺夫不仅是民法学家,而且是俄罗斯联邦新民法典的主要起草人之一,参与了新的民法典编纂的全过程。将他的这些手稿整理出来,也许能够回答我国对俄罗斯民事立法及其发展感兴趣的读者们的某些问题。除了极个别的说明之外,三个部分均按苏哈诺夫的手稿译出,笔者未做任何增删或更改。现借我所喜爱的《比较法研究》季刊一角发表出来,如能对它的读者有所裨益,笔者将感到莫大的欣慰。 In October 1994, at the International Seminar on the Codification of Roman Law, Civil Law and Civil Law in Beijing, the report on the compilation of the New Civil Code of the Russian Federation by Professor Sukhanov, Director of the Law Department and Director of the Civil Law Division at the University of Moscow, caused The great interest of participating scholars. Scholars from all over China have talked with him and discussed various problems. In the nine days that Sukarnov was staying in Beijing, I kept discussions with him on the issue of Russian civil legislation and translated him all his reports and conversations both inside and outside this meeting. Before his return from Beijing, the renowned scholar, who placed his attention and expectation on the development of China’s civil legislation, spent almost two nights at turning 20 pages of manuscripts of what he considered to be of interest to Chinese colleagues to the author, And authorize consent to be translated into Chinese by me, and select the appropriate publication to publish in China. Sukarnov is not only a civil law scientist but also one of the main drafters of the New Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is involved in the entire process of compilation of the new Civil Code. The sorting out of these manuscripts of his may provide some answers to some of our country’s readers who are interested in Russian civil legislation and its development. Except for very few explanations, all three sections were translated by Sukarnov’s manuscript, and the author did not make any additions or deletions. Now, I am delighted to have published this quarter of my favorite Quarterly Journal of Comparative Law Studies for its readership.
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老一辈为下代的成长而饱经风霜,历尽辛苦,却不曾想到在晚年仅因一场争吵而横遭不孝子孙的杀身之祸。这种伤天害理的行为是法律所不容的。人们啊,请别忘记父母的养育之恩! The