
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:five126
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教育是上层建筑,必须为经济基础服务。农业是发展国民经济的基础,所以,教育必须为农业服务。农业中学是直接为农业生产服务的,在当前,进一步办好农业中学,使它在大办农业、大办粮食中发挥作用,是有着十分重要而迫切的意义的。我县的农业中学,自创办以来,对促进农业生产,已经起了应有的作用,特别是在它第一届毕业生参加到农业生产第-线以后,这种作用更为显著。在这里,我从以下几个方面加以说明。 Education is the superstructure and must serve the economic foundations. Agriculture is the basis for the development of the national economy. Therefore, education must serve agriculture. The agricultural middle schools serve the agricultural production directly. At present, it is of great importance and urgent significance to further improve the agricultural middle schools so that they can play a bigger role in agriculture and in the food industry. Since its establishment, the agricultural middle school in our county has played its due role in promoting agricultural production, especially after its first graduates took part in the first line of agricultural production. Here, I explain from the following aspects.
胡杨,又称胡桐、英雄树、异叶胡杨、异叶杨、水桐、三叶树,是杨柳科杨属胡杨亚属的一种植物,常生长在沙漠中,它耐寒、耐旱、耐盐碱、抗风沙,有很强的生命力。 Populus euphr
日本富士通研究所研制出可实现超高速远距离通信的新光源。使用这一光源 ,可以构成比现有光通信快 5~ 6倍的光通信系统。目前使用的向激光通入电流直接调制光信号的方式 ,存在
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  In this paper we mainly discussed synthetic and characteristic methods of organic/inorganic nanocomposite electrolytes. The raw materials and products were