Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and lung cancer:A systematic review

来源 :World Journal of Meta-Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxhush
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AIM:To review evidence relating passive smoking to lung cancer risk in never smokers,considering various major sources of bias.METHODS:Epidemiological prospective or case-control studies were identified which provide estimates of relative risk(RR) and 95% CI for never smokers for one or more of seven different indices of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke(ETS):The spouse; household; workplace; childhood; travel; social and other; and total.A wide range of study details were entered into a database,and the RRs for each study,including descriptions of the comparisons made,were entered into a linked database.RRs were derived where necessary.Results were entered,where available,for all lung cancer,and for squamous cell cancer and adenocarcinoma.“Most adjusted” results were entered based on results available,adjusted for the greatest number of potential confounding variables.“Least adjusted” results were also entered,with a preference for results adjusted at least for age for prospective studies.A pre-planned series of fixed-effects and random-effects meta-analyses were conducted.Overall analyses and analyses by continent were run for each exposure index,with results for spousal smoking given by sex,and results for childhood exposure given by source of ETS exposure.For spousal exposure,more extensive analyses provide results by various aspects of study design and definition of the RR.For smoking by the husband(or nearest equivalent),additional analyses were carried out both for overall risk,and for risk per 10 cigarettes per day smoked by the husband.These adjusted for uncontrolled confounding by four factors(fruit,vegetable and dietary fat consumption,and education),and corrected for misclassification of smoking status of the wife.For the confounding adjustment,estimates for never smoking women were derived from publications on the relationship of the four factors to both lung cancer risk and at home ETS exposure,and on the correlations between the factors.The bias due to misclassification was calculated on the basis that the proportion of ever smokers denying smoking is 10% in Asian studies and 2.5% elsewhere,and that those who deny smoking have the same risk as those who admit it.This approach,justified in previous work,balances higher true denial rates and lower risk in deniers compared to non-deniers.RESULTS:One hundred and two studies were identified for inclusion,published in 1981 onwards,45 in Asia,31 in North America,21 in Europe,and five elsewhere.Eightyfive were of case-control design and 17 were prospective.Significant(P < 0.05) associations were noted,with random-effects of(RR=1.22,95%CI:1.14-1.31,n=93) for smoking by the husband(RR=1.14,95%CI:1.01-1.29,n=45) for smoking by the wife(RR=1.22,95%CI:1.15-1.30,n=47) for workplace exposure(RR=1.15,95%CI:1.02-1.29,n=41) for childhood exposure,and(RR=1.31,95%CI:1.19-1.45,n=48) for total exposure.No significant association was seen for ETS exposure in travel(RR=1.34,95%CI:0.94-1.93,n=8) or in social situations(RR=1.01,95%CI:0.82-1.24,n=15).A significant negative association(RR=0.78,95%CI:0.64-0.94,n=8) was seen for ETS exposure in childhood,specifically from the parents.Significant associations were also seen for spousal smoking for both squamous cell carcinoma(RR=1.44,95%CI:1.15-1.80,n=24) and adenocarcinoma(RR=1.33,95%CI:1.17-1.51,n=30).Results generally showed marked heterogeneity between studies.For smoking by either the husband or wife,where 119 RR estimates gave an overall estimate of(RR=1.21,95%CI:1.14-1.29),the heterogeneity was highly significant(P < 0.001),with evidence that the largest RRs were seen in studies published in 1981-89,in small studies(1-49 cases),and for estimates unadjusted by age.For smoking by the husband,the additional analyses showed that adjustment for the four factors reduced the overall(RR=1.22,95%CI:1.14-1.31) based on 93 estimates to(RR=1.14,95%CI:1.06-1.22),implying bias due to uncontrolled confounding of 7%.Further correction for misclassification reduced the estimate to a marginally non-significant(RR=1.08,95%CI:0.999-1.16).In the fully adjusted and corrected analyses,there was evidence of an increase in Asia(RR=1.18,95%CI:1.07-1.30,n=44),but not in other regions(RR=0.96,95%CI:0.86-1.07,n=49).Studies published in the 1980’s,studies providing dose-response data,and studies only providing results unadjusted for age showed elevated RRs,but later published studies,studies not providing dose-response data,and studies adjusting for age did not.The pattern of results for RRs per 10 cigs/d was similar,with no significant association in the adjusted and corrected results(RR=1.03,95%CI:0.994-1.07).CONCLUSION:Most,if not all,of the ETS/lung cancer association can be explained by confounding adjustment and misclassification correction.Any causal relationship is not convincingly demonstrated. AIM: To review evidence relating passive smoking to lung cancer risk in never smokers, considering various major sources of bias. METHODS: Epidemiological prospective or case-control studies were identified which provide estimates of relative risk (RR) and 95% CI for never smokers for one or more of seven different indices of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS): The spouse; household; workplace; childhood; travel; social and other; and total. A wide range of study details were entered into a database, and the RRs for each study, including descriptions of the comparisons made, were entered into a linked database. RRs were derived where necessary. Results were entered, where available, for all lung cancer, and for squamous cell cancer and adenocarcinoma. “Most adjusted ”results were entered based on results available, adjusted for the greatest number of potential confounding variables. “ Least adjusted ”results were also entered, with a preference for results adjusted at least for age for prosp Ective studies. A pre-planned series of fixed-effects and random-effects meta-analyzes were conducted. Exemplary and studies by continent were run for each exposure index, with results for spousal smoking given by sex, and results for childhood exposure given by source of ETS exposure.For spousal exposure, more extensive analyzes provides provide by various aspects of study design and definition of the RR.For smoking by the husband (or nearest equivalent), additional analyzes were carried out both for overall risk, and for risk per 10 cigarettes per day smoked by the husband.These adjusted for uncontrolled confounding by four factors (fruit, vegetable and dietary fat consumption, and education), and corrected for misclassification of smoking status of the wife. For the confounding adjustment, estimates for never smoking women were derived from publications on the relationship of the four factors to both lung cancer risk and at home ETS exposure, and on the correlations between the factors.bias due to misclassification was calculated on the basis that the proportion of ever smokers denying smoking is 10% in Asian studies and 2.5% elsewhere, and that those who deny smoking have the same risk as those who admit it.This approach, justified in previous work, balances higher true denial rates and lower risk in deniers compared to non-deniers .RESULTS: One hundred and two studies were identified for inclusion, published in 1981 onwards, 45 in Asia, 31 in North America, 21 in Europe, and five (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). were.Eightyfive were of case-control design and 17 were prospective.Significant (P <0.05) associations were noted, with random-effects of (RR = 1.22,95% CI: 1.14-1.31, n = 93) for smoking by the (RR = 1.14, 95% CI: 1.01-1.29, n = 45) for smoking by the wife (RR = 1.22,95% CI: 1.15-1.30, n = 47) for workplace exposure (RR = (RR = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.19-1.45, n = 48) for total exposure. No significant association was seen for ETS exposure in travel (RR = 1.34 , 95% CI: 0.94-1.93, n = 8) or in social situations (RR = 1.01, 95% CI: 0.82-1.24, n = 15). A significant negative association (RR = 0.78, 95% CI: 0.64-0.94, n = 8) was seen for ETS exposure in childhood , specifically from the parents. Significant associations were also seen for spousal smoking for both squamous cell carcinoma (RR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.15-1.80, n = 24) and adenocarcinoma (RR = 1.33, 95% CI: 1.17-1.51 , n = 30) .Results generally showed marked heterogeneity between studies.For smoking by either the husband or wife, where 119 RR estimates gave an overall estimate of (RR = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.14-1.29), the heterogeneity was highly significant (P <0.001), with evidence that the largest RRs were seen in studies published in 1981-89, in small studies (1-49 cases), and for estimates unadjusted by age. For smoking by the husband, the additional analyzes were that adjustment for the four factors reduced the overall (RR = 1.22, 95% CI: 1.14-1.31) based on 93 estimates to (RR = 1.14, 95% CI: 1.06-1.22) implied bias due to uncontrolled confounding of 7% .Further correction for miIn the fully adjusted and corrected analyzes, there was evidence of an increase in Asia (RR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1.07 Studies have provided dose-response data, and studies only providing results unadjusted -1 .30, n = 44) but not in other regions (RR = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.86-1.07, n = 49) for age showed elevated RRs, but later published studies, studies not providing dose-response data, and studies adjusting for age did not. The pattern of results for RRs per 10 cigs / d was similar, with no significant association in the adjusted and corrected Results (RR = 1.03, 95% CI: 0.994-1.07) .CONCLUSION: Most, if not all, of the ETS / lung cancer association can be explained by a reconciling adjustment and misclassification correction. An causal relationship is not convincingly demonstrated.
本文围绕如何教好专业课,使学生掌握应有的专业知识和专业理论,提高专业课的教学效果等问题展开论述,提出专业课教学实效提升的方法。 This article focuses on how to teac
上好每一堂课是对授课教师教学的最基本要求,也是提高教学质量的关键所在。而上好一堂课并非易事,因此在教学时,除了讲授基础知识外,更要注重对学生的自学能力、分析能力、实践能力、综合应用能力和创新能力的培养。结合这几年的教学实践,笔者认为要上好中职《妇产科护理》,应做到以下几点:  一、认真钻研教材  教材是教学的载体,它有知识的基础性、示范典型性,所以要注重吃透文本教材。而“备课”就是教师课前所做的准
生理学的研究表明,大脑的左右两半各有不同的功能。左脑以语言、理解、科学、计算和逻辑思维等活动为主,而右脑以形象的感知、记忆、时间概念、空间定位、音乐、想象和情绪等活动为主。只有大脑的左右两半相互配合,协调发展,人的智力发展才能获得最佳效果。在教学中,让学生摆、拼、剪、制作、测量、画图等,有助于学生操作能力的培养,使他们在操作过程中获取知识、形成技能。  一、在操作中获取知识  实践操作是学习知识最