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江苏省武进市面对竞争激烈的市场经济,狠抓“科教兴市”,大力实施新品开发和专利产品研制的经营策略,同时确定以动力机械、现代视听设备、精细化工等六大项目为全市支柱产业,采取以工业为主、农副工商相协调、内外经贸相结合的经济发展方针,社会和经济效益明显加强。仅今年1—8月份,全市实现财政收入5.5亿元,完成工业总产值268.59亿元,同比增长20.5%,实现售销收入195.25亿元,同比增长7.8%,实现利税10.45亿元,其中利润3.57亿元。 武进经济之所以能保持快速健康发展的一个重要 In the face of the highly competitive market economy, Wujin City, Jiangsu Province, pay close attention to “revitalizing the city through science and education” and vigorously implement the business strategy of developing new products and developing patented products. At the same time, it has determined that six major projects of power machinery, modern audio-visual equipment and fine chemicals The pillar industries have adopted the principle of economic development coordinated by industry and agriculture, industry and commerce, and the combination of domestic and foreign trade and economy. The social and economic benefits have obviously been strengthened. From January to August this year alone, the city realized a total revenue of 550 million yuan and a total industrial output value of 26.859 billion yuan, an increase of 20.5% over the same period of the previous year. The sales revenue reached 19.525 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8% over the same period of last year. The profits and taxes amounted to 1.045 billion yuan, of which the profit was 3.57 100 million yuan. Wujin economy has been able to maintain rapid and healthy development of an important
The uranium-bearing granites in South China can be classified into two types. namely, syntectic type andtransformation type. A fairly systematic hydrogen, oxyg
山东省文登市紧紧抓住科技成果转化这个关键环节,使科技潜在生产力迅速转化为现实生产力,形成科技进步因素对经济增长贡献率达52%的发展局面。 建立健全科技推广服务机构,促
我厂生产一种杯形件如图1所示。高径比大,壁薄,内孔余量小,头部呈锥形,材质为60钢,坯重4kg,并且生产数量大,生产有一定的难度。 1.工艺方案我们经过工艺分析,并结合实际设备