
来源 :上海体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linjiachou
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1 问题的提出 《国家体育锻炼标准》制度的实施,对鼓励和推动人民群众,特别是青少年、儿童积极参加体育锻炼,增强体质,提高运动水平,培养共产主义道德品质,起到了积极作用。但是《体锻》工作的实施,给不少体育工作者增加了许多工作量,教师在体育课中也较难贯彻。因为体育课要完成体育教学大纲所规定的教学内容,只靠每周一节的体锻课和活动课,教师加以技术上的辅导和测验是远远不够的。我校自实施《体锻》达标以来,在及格率上每年都有所提高;但在优秀率和良好率上提高不明显。特别是90年度的优秀、良好率比往年有所下降,所以,我校从1991年起,对《体锻》达标率进行了研究,设想通过教师的引导,培养学生锻炼的习惯,逐步提高其体育锻炼的自觉性,以此进一步挖掘学生潜力,更好地提高《体锻》达标率。 1 PROBLEM PROTOCOL The implementation of the “National Physical Training Standards” system has played a positive role in encouraging and promoting the masses, especially youngsters and children, to actively participate in physical exercises, enhance physical fitness, improve sportsmanship, and cultivate communist moral standards. However, the implementation of “body-forging” work has added a lot of workload to many sportsmen and teachers are also more difficult to carry out in physical education. Because physical education courses to complete the content of the teaching content of the physical education curriculum, relying on the weekly body-building classes and activity classes, teachers, technical counseling and testing is not enough. Since our implementation of the “forging” standard, our school has seen an increase in the passing rate every year. However, the improvement in the excellent rate and the good rate is not obvious. In particular, the excellent and good rate of 90 was declining over the previous years. Therefore, our school has studied the rate of “forging” compliance since 1991, and envisaged that through the guidance of teachers, we should cultivate students' habit of exercising and gradually increase their Physical activity conscious, in order to further tap the potential of students and better improve the “forging” compliance rate.
清代江苏巡抚丁日昌有位幕僚擅长弹奏古琴。一天,丁日昌请了俞曲园、潘玉泉、吴介山三位朋友到自已家里来欣赏琴乐。俞曲园是位著名的训诂学家,平生博览群书,著作 Ding Ri
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