
来源 :当代中国史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hq520cyj
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尊敬的各位来宾、各位代表、同志们:大家好!经过两天紧张而热烈的会议活动,第五届国史学术年会就要结束了.受大会组委会的委托,我在这里就本届年会的基本情况、论文及讨论情况作一个总结发言.不当之处,请同志们批评指正.在本届年会的开幕式上,全国政协副主席、中国社会科学院院长、中华人民共和国国史学会会长陈奎元同志发表讲话,就正确评价毛泽东的历史地位、正确认识建国以来的历史成就、正确认识中国国情和坚持以马克思主义科学理论为指导等重大问题,对国史研究工作和本次学术年会做了重要指示.中共中央文献研究室原主任逄先知同志也就正确认识毛泽东的历史功绩发表了意见.朱佳木同志在开幕词中,对本届年会的宗旨、主题和目标作了具体阐述,从宏观 Dear guests, Dear Delegates, Comrades, Hello everyone! After two days of intensive and enthusiastic conference activities, the Fifth Annual Academic Conference of Chinese History will come to an end. As entrusted by the Organizing Committee of the conference, I am here At the opening ceremony of this annual meeting, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the history of the People’s Republic of China On the correct assessment of Mao Zedong’s historical status, correctly understanding the historical achievements since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, correctly understanding the actual conditions in China and adhering to the scientific theory guided by Marxism, the chairman of the academic society, Comrade Chen Kuiyuan, made a speech on the history of the country and the academic year An important directive was made: Comrade Zhu Rongji, former director of the Documentation Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, also expressed his opinion on the correct understanding of Mao Zedong’s historical achievements. Comrade Zhu Jiamu elaborated on the purpose, theme and objectives of this annual conference in his opening remarks From the macro
本文针对高职国际贸易(理论)课程案例式教学存在的问题等进行初步的研究和探讨,并提出了自己的看法。 This article conducts preliminary research and discussion on the