
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sizhezang1
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2006年,《中国电力企业管理》杂志首家发表武建东的文章,主题是关于智能电网的探讨与发展。在神州大地引起强烈反响。广大电力工作者纷纷畅谈智能电网发展与期盼,宏伟的愿景不仅影响中国,而且引领世界发展潮流,各种有关智能电网的论坛纷纷举行。因此吸引了美国能源部部长多次访华。藉此学习借鉴中国智能电网与特高压发展经验。人们不禁要问,是仆么吸引了大洋彼岸(美国)的眼球?很简单,这就是我国电力梦的魅力。坚强的智能电网,是国家新一轮电网改造升级的总目标,必须按照“统一规划,分步实施,因地制宜,适度超前”和改造与新建相结合的原则实施。首先,必须统一规划。要按照党的十八大报告提出的促进工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展“新四化”战略步署,结合智能电网的信息化、自动化、互动化总体要求,修编“十二五”县供电企业电网规划,特别是破解通信难题, In 2006, China Power Enterprise Management magazine first published an article by Wu Jiandong on the discussion and development of smart grid. In the vast land of China caused a strong reaction. The majority of power workers have talked about smart grid development and expectations, the grand vision not only affects China, but also lead the world trend of development, all kinds of smart grid forum held in succession. Therefore, it attracted U.S. Secretary of Energy to visit China many times. Learn from China’s smart grid and UHV development experience. People can not help but ask, is the servant attracted the attention of the other side of the ocean (the United States)? Very simple, this is the charm of our power dream. A strong smart grid is the overall goal of the nation’s new round of power grid transformation and upgrading. It must be implemented in accordance with the principles of “unified planning, step-by-step implementation, measures suited to local conditions and modest advancement” and the combination of renovation and new construction. First, we must plan together. According to the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization and the strategic plan for the “new four modernizations”, in combination with the overall requirements for informatization, automation and interaction of smart grids, “Twelve-Five ” county power supply enterprise network planning, especially to solve communication problems,
文字是有灵性的。读书人信,引车卖浆者流,大概更信。这种简易的信念尽管谈不上有多么牢固和虔诚,但它的生成和流布还是非常悠久而广泛的。 为了说清此意,不妨摘几条文献里的有趣