Tunable and wavelength interval precisely controlled erbium-doped fiber laser by employing the fused

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A tunable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with precise wavelength interval control is reported theoretically and experimentally in this paper. It is made up of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) filter and a Sagnac filter and supplemented by the four-wave-mixing effect. Compared with other filters, the proposed MZI filter based on the fused taper technology can change the wavelength interval more flexibly. The experiment result shows that wavelength tuning can be achieved, and the tuning range can reach 15nm. Moreover, the variation in the number of wavelengths is also realized. The maximum side-mode suppression ratio can reach 39 dB.
We demonstrate comprehensive investigation of the injection locking dynamics of a backscattered Brillouin laser in silica whispering-gallery-mode microcavity. Via injection locking, the Brillouin laser acquires highly correlated phase with the seed laser,
从理论上分析了在强非局域非线性光学格子中的光束传输特性。在强非局域克尔介质中通过实对称响应函数的泰勒展开,得到非线性薛定谔方程的简化了的拉格朗日密度,运用变分法,得出光束的束宽、振幅、相位等各个参量的演化方程。把光束看作等效粒子,通过对势函数的分析,得出形成格子孤子的临界功率。 改变格子结构的周期、调制深度等参数,可以实现对孤子传输的控制,这在研究可控全光开关等方面具有潜在的应用价值。
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