
来源 :解放军生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyong09
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满洲里市人武部一直担负着组织民兵预备役人员与驻满军警部队参与边境管理、维护稳定的任务。近年来,人武部与边防部队、武警边防大队、公安派出所联手抓获4起18名企图偷渡人员,抓获蛇头3人,给不法分子以极大的震慑。图为人武部组织军警民在边境地区执勤巡逻。 The Manchuria Municipal People’s Armed Police Department has been entrusted with the task of organizing reserve militiamen and garrisoned military police units to participate in border management and maintain stability. In recent years, the People’s Armed Forces and the border guards, the border police brigade and the police station of the Armed Police jointly arrested four 18 attempted smugglers and arrested three snakeheads, giving the criminals a great deterrent. The picture shows the military and civilian police and civilian patrols in the border areas organized by the Ministry of People’s Armed Police.
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1924年上海租界发生的叶乾章案是一起典型的华洋涉讼事件,英籍凶手因英公堂的庇护逍遥法外,华工叶乾章白白丢了性命。部分有正义感的报人还发表时评文章,揭露公堂营私舞弊,反被告上法庭。一向以文笔犀利著称的年轻主笔陈布雷悲愤难抑,说出一句掷地有声的话,“主笔不吃官司,不是好主笔”。  近代上海租界是西方列强蚕食中国主权的特殊地区。英、法、美三国根据不平等条约,组织公共租界工部局、巡捕房等机构,逐步攫取租
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