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古往今来,“读”一直发挥着重要的功能。在古代由于知识缺少传播的载体以及知识被少数人垄断,“读”主要发挥其记忆功能以使知识和文化得以口耳相传。现代科技的发展让知识传播成本日趋低廉、传播载体日益便捷与多样化。知识的普及使得现代社会中大部分人以“看”取代了“读”。但这并不意味着现代社会中“读”的功能就因此丧失。现代人的“口诵心惟”对准确理解文本内涵和实现与作者交流依旧发挥着重要功能。大学校园读书会中“读”能让成员更原汁原味地把握文本的原意和更真切地感悟作者的思想情感。本文以从古至今“读”的功能演变为线索,试图回答书为什么要“读”这一问题,并在此呼吁大学校园读书会必须真正地“读”起来。 Throughout the ages, “reading” has always played an important role. In ancient times, because of the carrier of knowledge lacking dissemination and the monopoly of knowledge by a few, “Reading ” mainly exert its memory function to make knowledge and culture be word of mouth. With the development of modern science and technology, the cost of knowledge dissemination is getting cheaper and the media of communication are becoming more and more convenient and diversified. With the popularization of knowledge, most people in modern society have replaced “reading ” by “seeing ”. However, this does not mean that the function of “reading ” in modern society is thus lost. Modern people ’s “mouth recite heart ” to accurately understand the text content and achieve the exchange with the author still play an important function. University campus reading conference “Reading ” allows members to more genuinely grasp the original meaning of the text and a more realistic perception of the author’s thoughts and feelings. In this paper, the function of “Reading” has evolved into a clue from the ancient to the present, trying to answer the question of why the book needs “Reading ” and hereby urges that campus reading must really “read ”.
我科从1983年2月~1985年10月共收治流行性出血热(EHF)250例,其中并心律失常45例,占18%,现分析如下: 一、一般资料:45例中,男25例,女20例,年龄16~66岁。轻型6例,中型14例,重型25
根据青少年体操运动员的需要,设计了一种食品配方,对此配方进行了营养分析、动物实验和体操运动员的试用,对以上测试结果进行简要讨论。 According to the needs of juvenile g