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经历了五年体制改革之后,广东省水产供销企业实现了一个巨大的转变——从管理型转向经营型,从独家经营型转向联合经营、综合服务型,较好地适应了渔区经济体制改革和水产品市场开放的新形势。去年,全省水产供销企业纯销售额4.9亿元,比1983年增长11.6%,在扩大经营和支付历史旧账使用大量资金的情况下,仍实现利润180万元。今年上半年和去年同期相比,经营势头更是欣欣向荣。“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”。广东水产供销企业是怎样克服行政命令、官商、“大锅饭”等等弊端,弃旧图新,跟上了时代的前进步伐呢? After five years of system reform, the aquatic products supply and marketing enterprises in Guangdong Province have made a tremendous change - from the management type to the management type, from the sole operation type to the joint operation and the integrated service type, which has been well adapted to the reform of the economic structure of the fishing area And aquaculture market opening up the new situation. Last year, the province’s aquatic product supply and marketing enterprises with net sales of 490 million yuan, an increase of 11.6% over 1983, in expanding the operation and payment of historical old account using a lot of money, still profit 1.8 million yuan. Compared with the same period of last year, the business momentum is even more thriving. Shen Shen boat side of thousands of sails, sick trees Wan Muk Chun. Guangdong aquatic products supply and marketing enterprises how to overcome the administrative orders, officials, “big pot” and so on the drawbacks, abandon the old map new, to keep up with the pace of progress?
直言三段论 推理是由一个或几个已知判断(前提),按一定的逻辑方法推出一个新判断、(结论)的一种思维形式。根据思维进程的不同,推理可分为演绎推 Suppositional syllogism I
相重扬同志回顾我国淡水渔业十年成就和基本经验凌启鸿副省长介绍江苏合理利用水域资源,大力发展水产业的经验佘大奴司长提出近期发展淡水渔业的总体构想和主攻方向 Xiang G
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广东省廉江县吉水区上坝乡村郑志荣等,去年7月利用村前七丘稻田(8.8亩)开沟单养尼罗罗非鱼,到年底收获3.200斤,每亩产量364斤。稻谷产量 Zheng Zhirong, Shangba Village,