Developing a new model system for potato genetics by androgenesisFA

来源 :植物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mm963258
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High heterozygosity and tetrasomic inheritance complicate studies of asexually propagated poly-ploids, such as potato. Reverse genetics ap-proaches, especially mutant library construction, can be an ideal choice if a proper mutagenesis genotype is available. Here, we aimed to generate a model system for potato research using anther cultures of Solanum verrucosum, a self-compatible diploid po-tato with strong late blight resistance. Six of the 23 regenerants obtained (SVA4, SVA7, SVA22, SVA23, SVA32, and SVA33) were diploids, and their homo-zygosity was estimated to be>99.99%with 22 pol-ymorphic InDel makers. Two lines—SVA4 and SVA32—had reduced stature (plant height≤80 cm), high seed yield (>1,000 seeds/plant), and good tuber set (>30 tubers/plant). We further confirmed the full homozygosity of SVA4 and SVA32 using whole-genome resequencing. These two regenerants pos-sess all the characteristics of a model plant:diploidy, 100% homozygosity, self-compatibility, and ame-nability to transgenesis. Thus, we have successfully generated two lines, SVA4 and SVA32, which can potentially be used for mutagenesis and as model plants to rejuvenate current methods of conducting potato research.
介绍一种宽带窄脉冲高频超声检测技术,它可以发现间隙在1μm以上的扩散连接缺陷。 A broadband narrow-pulse high-frequency ultrasound detection technique is introduce