
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bood
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为了进一步巩固我省碘缺乏病的防治成果,加强碘缺乏病的防治管理、了解和掌握已基本控制碘缺乏病区县的现状、为今后我省制定防治策略提供依据,1993年第四季度我省对部分已达到国家基本控制碘缺乏病指标的病区县(市)进行了检查,现将检查结果总结如下。1 检查对象和方法1.1 检查对象 凡1992年底以前已达到基本控制碘缺乏病标准并通过省级验收的病区县(市)均为被查对象,本年度抽查12个病区县,占应查县的31.6%。1.2 检查内容 检查栏目的设置包括领导重视、碘缺乏病防治资料档案管理,碘缺乏病防治、碘缺乏病监测工作四项主指标,每项指标再派生若干个子指标。检查指标的设置和赋分广泛征求专家和基层防治人员的意见,反复讨论酝酿产生。1.3 检查方法 In order to further consolidate the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders in our province, strengthen the prevention and management of iodine deficiency disorders, understand and master the status quo of the basic control of iodine deficiency disorders counties, provide the basis for future prevention and treatment strategies in our province, the third quarter of 1993 The province has examined some of the ward counties (cities) that have reached the national basic control indicators for iodine deficiency disorders. The results of the inspection are summarized as follows. 1 inspection objects and methods 1.1 inspection objects where by the end of 1992 have reached the basic control of iodine deficiency disorders and passed the provincial acceptance of the ward counties (cities) were investigated objects, this year spot checks 12 ward counties, accounting should check the county Of the 31.6%. 1.2 Check Contents The setting of inspection column includes four main indicators of leadership attention, management of iodine deficiency disease prevention and control files, prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders, and monitoring of iodine deficiency disorders. Each indicator is derived from several sub-indicators. Check the setting and grading of indicators Widely seek the opinions of experts and grass-roots prevention and control personnel, and repeatedly discuss the brewing. 1.3 inspection methods
随着围产医学研究的进展和介入性超声技术的提高,产前胎儿诊断有了长足的进步。自80年代中叶始许多医疗单位开展了经母腹脐静脉穿刺(percutaneousfetalunbilicalbloodsampling,PUBS)获取胎血检验,主要适应证是胎儿染... With
1 临床资料 本组病例均为男性,年龄20岁以下4例,20~50岁48例,50岁以上6例。据实用内科学分期标准,属兴奋期者22例,共济失调者27例,昏睡期者9例。病人就诊后首先选用山莨菪碱,
We investigate the influence of reagent vibration on the stereodynamics of the title reaction by the quasi-classical trajectory on the Aguado-Paniagua2-potentia