玉米雜交種的選育研究 I.選育品種間雜交種及自交系間雜交種的結果

来源 :北京农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aidanzeng
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七年來的選種結果說明,在春播晚熟玉米中可以利用金皇后和華農一號的品種間雜交種作為目前的推廣材料。雜交種較之親本品種金皇后雖然只增產3.0-4.4%,但品質有所改善,在肥力和水分充足的條件下更能提高產量,而此另一親本華農一號增產達28.7-32.2%。另一雜交組合金皇后×可利則比金皇后品種增產13.3%,比華農一號增產57.2%,由於成熟稍晚,植株高大,只宜作青貯之用。由優良自交系L289和金皇后品種組成的頂交種具有較大的雜交優勢。這一頂交雜種比金皇后增產13.1%,比華農一號×金皇后增產8.3%,在示範試驗中較本地品種白馬牙的產量高出7.9-9.6%,且表現早熟、抗澇和抗倒伏特性,品質亦佳,可以肯定為本地區内利用自交系配制的優良雜交種,作為過渡時期的推廣材料。值得注意和利用的外來自交系間的雜交種有W9×M13、W153×W16、M13×WR3等早熟單交種及其組成的雙交種。中熟組内表現豊產的有W24×W20、W16×WS、WF9×M14、W 32×187-2、Oh 45×M14等單交種及某些組合的雙交種。這些材料也適應於山東和河南地區,作為夏季栽培。我校從金皇后、華農一號、可利等晚熟品種中選出的自交系材料目前尚在單交組合的試驗階段。從兩年比較結果已能看出金15×華53、金15×L 289、金11×L 289等單交種較之華農一號舆金皇后的品種間雜種增產達18.7-26.6%。自交系間雜交種所以超過品種間雜交種的基本原因在於單株之間的一致性。初步試驗的結果表明,玉米各種雜交方式的優越性是依品種間雜交——頂交——自交系間雜交的次序而增加的。在討論中作者等指出了品種間雜種在目前條件下的現實意義,並提出應該同時為自交系的選育工作做好准備。在獲取最大的雜交優勢時,應當把品種類型之間的親緣關係和配合力的大小一起估計在内,這樣才能符合於我國目前對豊產和食用品質的雙重需要。 Seed selection results over the past seven years show that in spring sowing late-maturing maize can use Golden Queen and Hua Nong-1 cross-species hybrids as the current promotion materials. Compared with the parental variety Golden Queen, hybrids only increased yield by 3.0-4.4%, but the quality improved somewhat, which could improve the yield under the conditions of fertility and water adequacy, while the yield increase of the other parent Hua Nong-I was 28.7-32.2 %. The other hybrid crosses, Golden Queen × Corolla, increased by 13.3% over Golden Queen and by 57.2% over Huaxin-One. Due to the later maturity, the plants were tall and should only be used for silage. The top cross, which is composed of fine inbred lines L289 and Golden Queen, has greater heterosis. This top hybrid rose 13.1% more than the Golden Queen, 8.3% more than the Huaonong No.1 Gold Empress, 7.9-9.6% more than the native variety Baimaya in the demonstration experiment, and showed precocious, waterlogging and lodging resistance Characteristics, quality is also good, you can certainly use the inbred lines in the region prepared by the excellent hybrids, as a promotional material for the transition period. It is noteworthy and the use of foreign inbred lines of hybrids W9 × M13, W153 × W16, M13 × WR3 and other precocious single cross and its composition of double cross species. Zhongshu group within the performance of the production of W24 × W20, W16 × WS, WF9 × M14, W32 × 187-2, Oh45 × M14 and other single cross-species and some combinations of double cross. These materials are also adapted to Shandong and Henan as summer cultivation. Inbred lines selected from late-maturing varieties such as Golden Queen, Hua Nong I, and Ke Li are still in the experimental stage of single cross combination. It can be seen from the comparative results of two years that the cross-species hybrids yield increased by 18.7-26.6% compared with that of the single-cross variety of Hua-Nong-1 and Jin-Queen of Jin 15 × Hua 53, Jin 15 × L 289 and Jin 11 × L 289. Therefore, the basic reason for the cross-species hybrids among inbred hybrids lies in the consistency among the individual plants. The results of the preliminary experiments show that the superiority of various hybridization methods of maize is increased according to the order of hybridization between cross-top-inbred lines. In the discussion, the author pointed out the practical significance of hybrids between cultivars under the current conditions and proposed that breeding of inbred lines should be prepared at the same time. In obtaining the greatest advantage of hybridization, the kinship between the types of cultivars and the size of the combining ability should be estimated together, so as to meet the dual needs of current yield and food quality in our country.
利用北京地区黄板土进行水稻、黄豆及春小麦土培盆栽试验,研究了施用不同的肥料对它们吸收积累~(?)Sr 及~(137)Cs 的影响。结果表明,在土壤中施入氮磷肥能使水稻和黄豆籽粒中