【摘 要】
In the classroom ... liss Lee: Today we will write a composition..“My Pet ". Do youhave a pet, boys and girls?
Yes, most ants haveteeth, How/ many teeth doesan ant have? If depends on the species of the ant,There are about 12,000 ont species.Generally speaking,larger ant species usually have more teeth thansmo
Dear kids, do you like animals?Do you like mountains? Do you liketea or coffee? There is a good placefor you to know about them That is
An elephant sees a banana tree in the distance. He walkstowards it. Suddenly, he sees a rabbit is walking after him.He feels unhappy.
人成长的各个阶段我们可队用不同的单词来表示,如:baby婴儿→girl 女孩/boy 男孩→woman 妇女/man 男士→oldwoman老年妇女/old man老年男士。 动物的成长也是如此,比如蝴蝶:egg卵→caterpillar毛虫→cocoon茧→butterfly蝴蝶。 可见,表示事物不同阶段所用的单词也是不同的,今天棒棒就给大家归纳一下。
Andy is a joyful boy. Sometimes he is a littlebit naughty.
瑞亚公主的计划成功了!正当巫师冲进笼子要抓住夜莺时,这些夜莺复活了。夜莺们奋力飞出了笼子。瑞亚用尽力气把巫师关在了笼子里。 四只夜莺开始齐声歌唱。花儿开了,动物们纷纷把自己的宝宝从藏身处带出来了。丛林中的精灵们也带着她们的乐器加入到这欢声笑语之中——她们选用了一根竖笛(recorder)、一把小提琴(violin)、一只锣鼓(drum)和一架竖琴(harp)演奏起了音乐。