中央美术学院于2001年10月17日至19日举办了新校落成庆典活动 ,其中举行了题为“面向21世纪 :全球化背景下的艺术教育与艺术交流”的国际校长论坛 ,这里发表的是在论坛上部分院校校长的演说摘要。文中图片选自庆典期间举办的“开源”(开放源代码 )展览
The Central Academy of Fine Arts held a ceremony to mark the completion of the New School from October 17 to 19, 2001, in which the International Headmaster Forum entitled “Facing the 21st Century: Art Education and Art Exchanges in the Context of Globalization” was held. A summary of speeches by some college presidents at the forum. The picture is taken from the “open source” (open source) exhibition held during the celebration