
来源 :国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smalleye
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神经节肿瘤多发生于头颈部,亦可见于纵隔、后腹膜、眼窝、膀胱。马尾神经发生者极少。作者报告2例并结合文献讨论。例一、女、47岁,因腰背部痛及步行障碍三个月入院。神经系统检查L_5水平感觉轻度减退,Lasegue试验右70°,左90°,无膀胱直肠功能障碍。脑脊液蛋白量740mg/dl。脊髓腔造影见L_(1-3)有骑跨状肿瘤,脊髓腔部分闭塞,未见骨质破坏。手术见具有包膜的淡红色肿瘤将马尾推向两侧,肿瘤以L_2为中心,上部呈囊性,最大径4cm,下部呈实质性,直径1 cm,肿瘤与脊髓末端的索状物相连。全切术后一年未复发。组织学见肿瘤被血管丰富的结缔组织分叶,瘤细胞有不规则的核和中度扩大的颗粒状胞体,灶状增生的细胞群呈所谓Zellballen结构,细胞无多形性,但肿瘤边缘有大型神经细胞。镀银染 Most of the ganglional tumors occur in the head and neck and also in the mediastinum, posterior peritoneum, orbital canal, and bladder. There are few horsetail neurogenesis. The author reported 2 cases and discussed the literature. Case I, female, 47 years old, admitted to hospital because of low back pain and walking disorder for three months. Neurologic examination showed that the L_5 level was mildly diminished. The Lasegue test was right at 70° and left at 90° without bladder rectal dysfunction. The cerebrospinal fluid protein amount was 740 mg/dl. In the spinal angiography, L_(1-3) had astride-transplanted tumors, and the spinal cavity was partially occluded without bone destruction. The operation saw a light red tumor with a capsule that pushed the horse’s tail to both sides. The tumor centered on L2 and was cystic on the upper part, with a maximum diameter of 4 cm, a substantial lower part, and a diameter of 1 cm. The tumor was connected to the cord at the end of the spinal cord. One year after resection no recurrence. Histology showed that tumors were divided by blood vessel-rich connective tissue. The tumor cells had irregular nucleus and moderately enlarged granular cell bodies. The focal hyperplastic cell population showed a so-called Zellballen structure. The cells had no pleomorphism, but the tumor edge had Large nerve cells. Silver plating
直肠癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一根治性切除后辅以化疗,预后较好。若轻易放弃根治切除或术式不当,可直接影响预后。现选择我院4例典型病例进行分析,从中吸取教训。 Rectal ca
1.在标签上厚厚地涂一层食用油;2.放置24小时,让食用油充分渗入标签内; 1 thickly coated with a layer of edible oil on the label; 2 place for 24 hours, so that the f