
来源 :高考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laurachenqh
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基于对近些年高考英语语法填空题的出题情况的了解与分析,确定英语语法填空题不仅考察学生阅读和写作能力,还对学生能否灵活的运用语法知识予以考察。此种情况下,为了使学生能够准确的解答高考语法填空题,获得高分,教师需要有技巧的、有方法的来教授学生高考英语语法填空题。基于此,本文将立足于高中英语高考语法填空题教学,分析高考英语语法填空题的命题特点,进而探究如何良好的展开高中英语语法填空题教学,希望学生能够更快、更好的适应英语高考的新题型,准确解答问题,获得高分。 Based on the understanding and analysis of the questions in English college entrance examination in recent years, it is not only the students ’ability to read and write, but also the students’ ability to apply grammar knowledge flexibly. In this case, in order to enable students to accurately answer the college entrance examination grammar fill in the blank, get high marks, teachers need a skilled and method to teach students college entrance examination English grammar to fill in the blank question. Based on this, this article will be based on the high school English college entrance examination grammar fill in the blank teaching, analysis of college entrance examination of English grammar fill in the title proposition characteristics, and then explore how to unfold high school English grammar fill in the blank teaching, and hope that students can adapt faster and better English college entrance examination The new questions, accurate answers to questions, get high scores.
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