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温压粉末原料是采用温压成形技术制造高密度粉末冶金零件的基础和温压工艺的技术核心 .高价格的进口温压粉末制约了我国高密度铁基粉末冶金零件的开发与应用 ,因此 ,必须开发出符合我国国情的温压粉末原料体系 .作者根据我国资源特点 ,采用鞍钢产水雾化铁粉、水雾化低合金钢粉和攀枝花钢铁公司产转炉烟尘铁粉为原料 ,进行了制备相应体系的温压粉末原料和温压工艺参数优化的研究 .以水雾化铁粉为原料设计制造的Fe 1.5Ni 0 .5Mo 0 .5Cu 0 .6C粉末经 6 37MPa压制 ,温压密度为 7.46g/cm3,压坯的回弹率为 0 .0 3% .在 115 0℃烧结 40min后 ,收缩率为 0 .0 2 5 % .而以转炉烟尘铁粉设计制造的Fe 1.5Ni 0 .5Mo 0 .5Cu 0 .6C粉末经 6 86MPa压制 ,压坯密度达7.35g/cm3;以Fe 1.5Ni 0 .5Mo水雾化合金钢粉为原料制造的Fe 1.5Ni 0 .5Mo 1.5Cu 0 .8C粉末在 6 86MPa时压制密度为 7.35g/cm3.这些粉末原料的设计为我国高强度铁基粉末冶金零部件的制造创造了条件 The temperature and pressure of powder raw materials is the core technology of the high-density powder metallurgy parts and the technology of the hot pressing process by the warm pressing technology.High price of imported warm powder restricts the development and application of high density iron-based powder metallurgy parts in our country, It is necessary to develop a temperature and pressure powder raw material system that conforms to the national conditions of our country.According to the characteristics of our country’s resources, the author used the iron and iron powder produced by Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., water atomized low alloy steel powder and soot iron powder from Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company as raw materials, The corresponding system of temperature and pressure powder raw materials and temperature and pressure optimization of process parameters.Water atomized iron powder as raw material designed and manufactured Fe 1.5Ni 0 .5Mo 0 .5Cu 0 .6C powder by 6 37MPa compression, temperature and pressure density of 7.46 g / cm3, the rebound rate of the compacts is 0. 03%. After sintering at 115 0 ℃ for 40min, the shrinkage rate is 0 .025% .With the converter soot dust designed and manufactured Fe 1.5Ni0 .5Mo 0 .5Cu 0 .6C pressed by 6 86MPa powder, compact density of 7.35g / cm3; to Fe 1.5Ni 0 .5Mo water atomized alloy steel powder as raw material Fe 1.5Ni 0.5 Mo 1.5Cu 0.8C powder The pressing density at 6 86 MPa is 7.35 g / cm 3. Design of these powder raw materials High-strength iron-based powder metallurgy parts of our country to create the conditions
建立了化学驱互溶驱替组分输运数学模型,将模型中所需的物化参数描述为驱油剂浓度相关的函数。定义了“有效 驱替带长度”参数,来量化和分析吸附、扩散弥散、段塞尺寸和驱替速
本文提出基于模糊逻辑系统的发酵溶解氧的预估控制方法 ,采用表格查寻学习算法建立模糊预估规则 ,通过这些模糊规则预估出发酵通风量的操作值 ,进而控制溶解氧水平。实验结果
针对现行放顶煤开采采出量及采出率确定方法 ,推导出了其计算值的误差估计模型 ;根据兖州南屯矿实际数据 ,计算出了误差估计模型中的相应参数 (即由统计产量折算实测产量所需
本文提出了一种新型光波导三向力触觉传感技术 ,论述了其工作原理和基本结构 ,并根据工作原理设计了实验系统。实验结果证明了该新型传感系统的可行性和理论结论的正确性。