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扬中市四面环江,拥有江岸线120公里。其中不稳定江岸线长达33公里,而且地面高程仅4~4.5米,汛期江潮水位高于地面3米以上,扬中人形象地比喻为“头顶一江水,脚踩一只盆”。这样脆弱、危险的生存环境,既让扬中人饱尝洪涝灾害之苦,更让扬中人深刻意识到:建设扬中、发展扬中必须首先确保江堤“生命线”的安全。扬中人在多年的防汛抗洪实践中,牢固确立了“建设重于预防,预防重于抢险”的指导思想,不断创新建管方式,强化防洪保安工程规划建设,加强江堤管护,特别是1995年以来,按照省里提出的新一轮江堤达标要求,紧紧抓住重点和薄弱环节,投入近亿元,治理不稳定江岸线22公里,完成块石和水泥护坡38公 Yangzhong surrounded by the river, with 120 km riverbank. Among them, the unstable coastline reaches 33 kilometers in length and the ground elevation is only 4 to 4.5 meters. The water level in the flood season is above 3 meters above the ground. The image of Yangzhong people is compared with “a river head and a foot on a basin.” Such a fragile and dangerous living environment not only left the Yangzhong people suffering from floods and disasters, but also made the Yangzhong people deeply aware that in building Yangzhong and Yangzhong, we must first ensure the safety of the “lifeline” of the embankment. During many years of flood control and flood fighting practice, Yangzhongren firmly established the guiding ideology of “construction is more important than prevention and prevention is more important than rescue.” He constantly innovated the ways of construction management, strengthened the planning and construction of flood control and security projects and strengthened the management and protection of the embankments, especially in 1995 Since the beginning of 2008, in accordance with the requirements of the province for a new round of embankment compliance, we have firmly grasped the key points and the weak links and invested nearly 100 million yuan to control the unstable coastline of 22 km and completed 38 blocks of rock and cement slope protection
系统地研究了Ni基合金自动送粉激光熔覆工艺参数对熔覆层稀释率的影响规律。为解释送粉速率和扫描速度对稀释率的影响 ,利用金相法检测了不同工艺条件下单道熔覆层的宏观参数
体育与品牌,本风马牛不相及,但在市场经济的环境下,它们却走在了一起,而且还有越来越盛行之势。 企业的营销可谓是五花八门,手段常用常新,但有一种营销经久不衰——体育营销
延边要发展,必须更新观念,加快农村产业结构调整和城镇化建设,提高整体素质和竞争力。 Yanbian to develop, we must update their concepts and speed up the adjustment o