以人工孵化的黄颡鱼仔鱼为材料 ,对孵化 2 0d内的仔鱼的食性和生长进行了研究 ,实验结果表明 :黄颡鱼仔鱼 2日龄开始开口摄食 ,5日龄全部开口摄食 ,混合营养期为 1~ 4d。仔鱼的开口饵料以轮虫、枝角类为主。体长 8~ 2 2mm的仔鱼由轮虫、枝角类等浮游生物为主转变为以寡毛类、摇蚊幼虫、水蚯蚓等底栖生物为主 ,仔鱼昼夜摄食节率变化明显。仔鱼随着体长的增长肠胃饱满指数也逐渐增加。仔鱼的体长生长前期较快 ,后期减慢。体长与日龄的相关式为 :L=0 95 2 8d+4 97(r=0 992 0 )。体重与体长的回归曲线为W =6 4× 10 -4L2 2 56(r=0 9797)。
The hatchability of larvae hatched within 20 days was studied by artificial hatching yellow catfish larvae. The experimental results showed that the larvae of latifolia started feeding on the 2nd day of age and all the rabbits fed on the 5th day of age were fed with mixed nutrition Period of 1 ~ 4d. The larvae of the larvae are mainly rotifers and dendrites. Litter length 8 ~ 22mm larvae and hornworts and other plankton dominated by oligochaetes, chironomid larvae, water worms and other benthic organisms mainly live diurnal feeding rate significantly change. With the growth of larval body mass index also gradually increased. Larval body length of the early growth of fast, late slow down. The correlation between body length and age was: L = 0 95 2 8d + 4 97 (r = 0 992 0). The regression curve of body weight and body length was W = 6 4 × 10 -4L2 2 56 (r = 0 9797).