
来源 :四川教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Monking
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问题是科学研究的出发点,是思想方法、知识积累和发展的逻辑力量,是生长新思想、新方法、新知识的种子。没有问题,感觉不到问题的存在,学习也只能是表层的,形式的。新课程特别强调通过问题来进行学习,通过问题来生成问题,提倡探究、研究的学习方式。但是,须提起注意的是问题意识的形成和培养。所谓探究式学习,不是一种形式化的东西,而是包含了激发学习欲望、激发真正的探索精神、激发创新思维的重要方式,而问题意识正是发现学习、探究学习、研究性学习的重要心理因素。引探,就是教师以“问题意识的形成和培养”为目标,帮助学生进行研究的一种现代教学模式。探究是学习方式,引探是教学活动。引探就是通过教学,有效地促进学生问题意识的形成、探究方案的正确制定、探究形式的有效选择。这样,似乎可以克服那种只重表面形式而毫无意义的所谓“探究活动”。 The problem is the starting point of scientific research. It is the logical force of thinking and methods, accumulation and development of knowledge, and the seed for the growth of new ideas, new methods and new knowledge. No problem, do not feel the existence of the problem, learning can only be superficial, formal. The new course places particular emphasis on learning through questions, generating questions through questions, and advocating ways of learning about inquiry and research. However, attention should be paid to the formation and cultivation of problem awareness. The so-called inquiry learning is not a formal thing, but contains an exciting way to stimulate learning, to stimulate the true spirit of exploration, to stimulate innovative thinking an important way, and problem awareness is the discovery of learning, inquiry learning, research learning is important Psychological factors. Citation, is a teacher to “the formation and training of problem awareness” as a goal, to help students conduct a modern teaching model. Exploration is the way of learning, and exploration is a teaching activity. Citation is through teaching, effectively promote the formation of students' problem awareness, explore the correct formulation of programs, to explore the effective choice of forms. In this way, it seems possible to overcome the so-called “inquiry activity” of a mere superficial form that makes no sense.
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